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The boss wasn't happy.

The morning after the gang party, I was called into the bosses' office. When I got there, Alvin, Kyle, Red and Nathan were sat before him, voices raised. I stood tentatively at the doorway, not sure what to do.

"I told you we never should have taken him!," Nathan said, voice booming at his father.

The boss spotted me at the door and his jaw twitched. Nathan turned around and flickered his eyes over me once, then looked away.

The boss gestured for me to sit. I shuffled my way over to the right side of Nathan and sat down with reluctance.

"Heard there was a little fight because of you last night," the boss announced, fixing me with an intense gaze. The gaze sort of resembled Nathan's, except Nathan's usually held fire, the boss's held ice.

I gulped and nodded silently, embarrassed at the urge to burst into tears. The boss turned to Nathan with the same ice in his gaze, his gaze was met with blazing fire.

"You told me you had it under control," he said, jabbing a finger in Nathan's direction.

"No, it wasn't his fault," I whispered hastily, wrapping my arms around myself.

The boss snapped his head to me, teeth bared. "Did I say you could talk, kid?," he growled.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a muscle twitch in Nathan's jaw. He clenched and unclenched his hands.

I couldn't meet the bosses gaze as I shook my head. I didn't trust myself to speak.

"I told you I didn't want to take him," Nathan rasped. "You were the one who wanted to show him off, none of this would've happened if you hadn't forced me to bring him to the deadliest party of the year."

Alvin, Kyle, and Red looked hesitantly between the boss and Nathan, waiting anxiously to see what was going to unfold.

The boss looked at me a moment, considering. "This can be a good thing, if we think about it. The K Blades know we have him now, and they want him. Now they know we have something that they don't," the boss grinned. "Exactly what I intended."

"What about the fight, boss? The K Blades aren't going to let that go," Kyle inputted.

"The K Blades never let anything go, we'll be at each other's throats for life, nothing to worry about there," he said dismissively. "Yes, they'll want Presley more than ever but we've done a fine job at keeping him a Creeds so far, it shouldn't be harder to keep it that way."

So far.

"And just so we're clear, no one saw you throw those grenades, correct?," the boss asked, flipping through a file.

"No, boss, there was too many people. The smoke made a good distraction," Red confirmed. Alvin nodded in agreement.

The boss leaned back in his chair. "I have a meeting in fifteen minutes, go make yourselves useful. And someone get that kid to school," he said, waving a lazy hand in my direction.

I was the first to rise, not eager to stay one more minute. The boys followed me out. Kyle, Alvin and Red departed for the armory while I walked to the infirmary.

Before I could leave with my head hung low, Nathan called out my name.

"Presley," he called. When I peered up at him through my hair, his face displayed millions of unreadable emotions at once, then he went back to being guarded.

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