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I'd never seen this facility before. Was it even a facility? It more closely resembled an array of garages. Whatever it was, it was disheveled and in worse shape than the Tyrant's facility.

I didn't warn my father about the situation. He would go ballistic on my sister. It wasn't her fault, she wasn't responsible. I was. I was her older brother, I was supposed to make sure that things like this didn't happen.

I've been busy.

Busy kissing Presley.

It was still daylight, I had time to rescue them.

Haley was secured in my Jeep while Kyle, Red, me and five other members of the gang dispersed across the place where Ally and Alvin were located. A small party of Creeds would do nicely, too much would seem conspicuous to my father.

There was no sound coming from inside. Red locked eyes with me.

"What do we do?," his voice was hushed.

I looked to Kyle, then to each member of my team. They all looked wary.

Not good.

This was unfamiliar territory, this was land that we didn't know. There was nothing to guide us. What if these people weren't even in a gang? A nagging voice in my mind wanted to blame the K Blades, but there was no proof.

"Take three guys and cover the left side of the perimeter," I ordered Kyle. He nodded once and cocked his gun. "Shoot anything that moves."

"Already ahead of you," he said, then nodded to three of my guys to lead them down the left side.

I turned to Red and one of the more shorter members of the gang. His name was Marcus, he didn't talk much, but he had wicked aim.

"Let's go," I said, keeping my voice low. "Anything can happen, keep your head up."

They nodded.

I lead them down the right side of the perimeter, straining my hearing for any indication of sound. No one was stationed outside the doors, weird.

If this was really a gang, they'd have this whole area guarded.

"Wait," Marcus said. Red and I turned to him. "I think I hear something."

It sounded like faint voices. We neared the spot where the sound came from. There was a dirt stained door that lead inside. I carefully turned the knob, it was locked.

"We can't shoot it," Red said, shaking his head. "It'll make too much noise."

He was right.

"I got it," Marcus said quietly. He pulled out what looked like a needle. It glinted in the sunlight.

Red fixed him me with a bewildered gaze. I shrugged, hand still on my gun.

I guess no one, not even me, was fully aware of Marcus's abilities.

Marcus crouched down in front of the door knob and stuck the needle through the keyhole. He twisted and twisted.

Red whispered. "I thought you had to have two of those to pick a lock," he spoke to the back of Marcus's head.

There was a satisfactory 'click' and Marcus turned back to Red. "Not me, I only need one," he grinned.

There was time for praise later, but not now.

"Follow my lead," I kept my voice quiet. Marcus and Red held their guns ready. I crept past the door with light feet. I surveyed every corner of the dark room with my gun held firmly in front of me.

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