Lil dancey dance🕺🏽💕🛸

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    " finally !" I shouted and closed my laptop .
I just got done with school , thank God I only had two classes on Wednesdays.

   Melo was at practice right now but should be home any minute so I had the house to myself . I got up and went into our room and into my closet .

  I grabbed my suitcase and started packing for tomorrow .


   " baby !!" I heard melo yell .

" in the game room !" I shouted back and he had came in . I turned around and seen he had flowers in his hand .

  " lamelo..I know you did not buy me flowers " I smiled widely making him laugh .

He handed them to me and I smelled them " these smell so good " I said with my eyes closed .

" thank you !" He leaned in for a kiss so he got one .
" what you doing in here ?" He asked looking around .

  " I was just cleaning around the house before I leave " . I put the flowers down and he sat on one of the couches . " how was school ?" .

  He held his arms out and I sat on his lap and ran my hand through his hair . " tiring but I only had two classes so it wasn't that bad " I yawned .

  He looked at me " you look so sleepy , go take a nap" he said and tapped my butt .

  " only if you take one with me " I said tiredly.
" lemme take a shower first " . He kissed my head and we both got up .

  I took the flowers and put them in a vase in the living room then we went upstairs.

  Melo started his shower and I closed the blinds cause I like sleeping in the dark .

  I got under the covers and tried to go to sleep but I couldn't so I just waited for melo.

  He came out the bathroom 15 minutes later with some sweats on and a tight black shirt . " I thought you was sleep " he chuckled .

  " I was waiting for you " . He got under the covers and grabbed me , making me straddle him .

I layed down on his chest while he gave me a booty rub . " I love you" I whispered half way asleep .
" I love you more " He whispered back and then we were fast asleep .


" melo what do you want to eat ?" I yawned and rubbed my eye .

We both had just woke up 15 minutes ago and were downstairs .

" you cooking or ordering?" He asked as he scrolled through his phone . " cooking , so.. what do you want?" .

"Could you make steaks " He put his phone down and started playing with his hair .

" with what else?" . He looked at me confused " Whatchu mean what else?" .

" you gotta have sides to go with it melo" I laughed .
" Is a salad a side ?? " he asked .

I nodded my head " I'll make a salad with it too then" . I took out the steaks and all the seasoning.

" why do you have to leaveeee !" He groaned making me chuckle . " I'll be back Sunday , that's not too long " .

" yes it is . One day without you and I already start to feel lonely ". He pouted making me awe.

I walked over to him and grabbed his face as we shared a kiss " just until Sunday dip , and I'll FaceTime you everyday " I smiled and he just nodded his head .

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