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" why the hell i look so professional " I said to myself in the mirror .

The game stared at 6:30 and it was almost 5 o'clock. Melo went back to his room a hour ago while I got in the shower and just got finished getting ready.

I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my phone and wallet. I left out the room and went down to the lobby with the other coaches and staff .

" the boys arnt down yet ?" I asked . As soon as I said that they came down the elevator with their warm up outfits on .

" could you do attendance while I check the busses ?" Coach asked me and handed me a sheet "yea !" .

" I'm calling out names so if you hear your name say here " I told the boys .

" terry ? Miles ? Gordon? Pj ? Lamelo ? Devonte ? Caleb ? Cody ?" . They all said here and then I went on to the rest of them .

Everyone was down here so I gave the sheet back to coach . " alright let's load the bus" . We all left out onto the bus and headed to the raptors arena .


Everyone was on the court hooping around a little on half of the court while the raptors were on the other half.

  I was next to the hoop catching all the balls and throwing them back .

" if you throw the ball at my face pj , I'm smacking the shit outta you " I told him as he walked past me to get his ball .

  " we gotta get some boxing gloves , you always wanna fight " he shouted over the arena music .

  " cause you always like to try me . Now hurry up and give me the ball " . He handed me the back and roughed up my hair .

  I rolled my eyes and went to put the balls away as the boys started stretching a little . I walked over to the other coaches " when does the game start ?" I asked .

  " ten minutes " the assistant coach told me . We turned our heads back to the boys and seen they were playing around when they're supposed to be stretching.

  " I thought they would take this game a little more seriously.." Coach said and say the clipboard down and went over to them .


  " Devonte play low ! Follow his chest !" I shouted . The game had started and the raptors had the ball now .

  Vonte followed what I told him and stole the ball , he ran down the court and shot a clean 3 .

We all clapped as the raptors got the ball again , we watched until it was halftime and they got off the court .
  I went to the back of the arena to get more water for them as my phone buzzed from Twitter.

People were tagging me on some girl tweet talking ab melo used to be in her dms .

   I chuckled to myself and retweeted it .

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