Make love🕺🏽💕🛸

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   " did you enjoy tonight ?" Melo asked me as we stood up from the table .

I smiled " yeah , thank you " I blushed . It's crazy to me that I still get butterflies in my stomach when I'm around him .

" you know I gotchu " . He put the money on the table and grabbed my hand .

   He walked me to my car and I leaned on the door "did I tell you how good you looked tonight ..?" He smiled .

I chuckled " yes you did " I looked down and then back up at him .

" what ? Why you keep looking at me like that !?" I blushed making him laugh .

" cause my wife is so beautiful " he licked his lips and put his finger under my chin .

  I pulled him even more closer to me and held onto his chin . " you want me to kiss you huh ?" He smirked but I shook my head no.

  " I want you inside of me instead " I whispered even though no one was in the parking lot .

  He smashed his lips on mines and we started making out with tongue and all . Since there was a slit in my dress , he slid his hand under and massaged my left cheek .

   After about seven minutes we had stopped. " you just get more thick every day " he bit his lip while gripping my ass .

  I laughed a little " how about we go home and ..have a lul sexx " I whispered making us both laugh .

" I can't take you seriously!" He laughed and ran around in circles making me die.

" boy ! I'm being for real , let's race though " I smirked .
" baby you in a Tesla ..I'm in a Lambo" he said .

I shrugged and closed my door " let's see who wins tho " I winked at him and backed out .

"'Oh shit ! Girl hold on you cheating !" He yelled making me laugh and I sped off to the house hoping that I would get there first .


" ahhh you mad cause I won !" Melo yelled while running around the house .

" it's not funny , I want a rematch " I crossed my arms . He calmed down and came up to me " stop being mad ...cause I won " he laughed .

I rolled my eyes and was about to walk away but he picked me up . " where you think you going ?" He licked his lips .

I swear I felt a water fall in my thong .
" To OUR room " I rubbed my hands through his finger coiled hair .

" I like that idea " he pecked my lips and carried me up the stairs, I don't know why he ain't just use the elevator.

He sat me on the bed and I noticed there were candles lit up and some roses on the floor .

" lamelo .." I stood up and looked around . There were chocolates and pictures of us smiling on the tv stand . There was also rose petals that lead to the bathroom but I'm guessing I wasn't supposed to see that until later .

" you did all of this ? " I pouted.

" yea like it ?" He smiled nervously and I nodded my head . " I love it " I smiled .

I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck and we started kissing . He laid me on the bed with him on top and started kissing all over my neck .

" mhmm melo " I moaned .
" shh let me make love to you " he whispered while looking me in my eyes .

He wants to make love ? Oh well child..
" do it " I whimpered . I helped him take off his shirt and his pants , after that he slid my dress off .

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