Isn't she lovely🕺🏽💕🛸

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( I don't really like this chapter cs I feel like it's rushed but ..🙂😭)

  " finally the kitchen is clean " I groaned and leaned my back against the counter .

  Before everyone left the helped put up the food and some dishes and then me and melo finished the rest .

He grabbed my waist and looked at me smiling " what ?" I giggled .

  " it's a baby in there..?" He asked . " I mean it's like the size of a pinto bean " I laughed .

  " but yeah ..there's a baby " we both smiled . " when did you find out ?" .

" the night when everything happened and you asked me if I was crying and I told you I had scrubbed my face to hard " I laughed .

  " that's why you were crying! We're you sad ?" He asked rubbing my stomach .

  " no I was happy ..I was just scared to know how you were gonna feel " I told him .

" I'm happy too , cause my baby having out baby " he smiled making me laugh .

  He wrapped his arms around me and I kissed his cheek . " you ready to go to sleep ? " he asked me .

  I nodded my head and we turned off the lights and went upstairs.

  I got a text from the group chat of everyone saying goodnight making me smile . We FaceTimed our family earlier and told them happy thanksgiving and what not .

  I took off my dress and put on a shirt . Melo put on his basketball shorts with no shirt and got in the bed with me .

  He scooted closer to me and put his head on my chest and rubbed my stomach slowly.  I piled the covers more up on us and kissed his head " goodnight " I told him .

  " goodnight mamas " he kissed my chest .

Four months later ...

" you ready?" Melo asked me . I sat up and noises my head .

Today we were gonna tell our family that I was pregnant . We were in LA right now in my moms driveway.

We got out the car and I pulled my sweater down a little. My stomach was big but since I was always skinny , it's not as big .

Melo grabbed my hand and we walked up to the door and rang the bell .

" maya ! " my mom smiled and gave me a hug . " heyy son in-law " she smirked and gave melo a hug .

" hey momma " I chuckled and she let us in . " where everyone else ?" I asked .

" in the basement playing games . Myles , reef , amirah , Me'arah and shaqir come upstairs!" She shouted .

They ran up the stairs and into the kitchen seeing me and melo . " ahh ! What are you guys doing here !" Amirah yelled .

Me'arah and amirah gave us both hugs and so did the boys . " it's been like five months since we last saw each other " Myles said .

" I knowww , I've been busy with school and starting a business " I groaned .

" anyways , you had to come down here for a reason..what's the reason " Me'arah said making me laugh .

" Soo .." I stood up and walked to my mom . She looked at me confused making me laugh .

I took her hand and put it on my stomach as her eyes went wide .

" o-oh - oh my god !" She shouted making everyone look at her confused .

I smiled at her . " your pregnant !?" She started crying . I nodded my head and she gave me a big hug .

" your pregnant !!? Yesss" they yelled making me and melo laugh .

They all got to touch my stomach and see the bumb and everything.

" how far along are you guys ?" Reef asked . " four months " melo replied.

" oh so y'all can find out the gender now !" Mom spoke and we nodded .

" we wanted to have a gender reveal but we know not everyone can fly down to Charlotte so we kinda don't know what to do " melo said as they nodded .

" I don't mind missing out on the reveal , I'm just glad I'm a grandma now. !" My mom squealed making us laugh .

We spent a couple more hours with my family and told my dad . Now we made it to the ball estate so we can tell Melos family .

He opened the door and we walked in the living room . " HEYY! Lamelo Whatchu doing here !?" His dad shouted as the hugged and he gave me a hug .

" we just came to visit for a little" He chuckled . " melo here !?" I heard and zo , Dmo and gelo came downstairs with the dogs .

" maya ! Dip!" They yelled and we shared hugs . " waddup twin " G said to me while drinking water .

" nun much , heard you signed with the G-league now " I nudged his shoulder making him laugh.

" I told you you'll find your way , sooner or later. " I said .

" you were right " He smiled .

" where's Tina at ??" I asked . " right here!" I heard her say and I went up to hug her .

" I..m-missed you " she said making me smile . " I missed you too mom " she gave me another hug .

" what y'all here for man !? Y'all got smiles on ya faces, what's going on ?" Lavar asked .

Melo looked at me and then back at them . " spit it out " dmo said making us laugh .

Melo gave a bag to lavar , Tina , dmo, zo and gelo . " open them " he said .

Zo went through his the fasted and held up the onsie as he read it . " your going to be an uncle-" he read out loud and everyone eyes went wide .

" maya's pregnant !?" Lavar shouted and we both nodded . He gave me a big hug " now way ! H-how many months " he asked .

" four , we finding out the gender this month " melo told him . Lavar gave melo a hug as I looked at the boys .

" congrats yaya !" Dmo gave me a hug and then zo and gelo .

" it better be a boy too " gelo said . " nah we need another girl around here" Dmo and C zo said .

Tina put her hand out and I lifted up my shirt so she could touch my stomach .

She smiled " h-happy for y-you two " She spoke . " thank you momma " melo and I gave her a hug .

" y'all want a boy or a girl ?" Zo asked . " I want a girl " melo said making them look at him surprised .

" I don't really care what the gender is , as long as the baby is healthy " I smiled .



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