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  " we takin the jet ? I thought we was going to the airport " melo said as we got out the car and grabbed our luggage's.

  " no , we being boujie on ya birthday " I chuckled. We went up the steps as they closed the door and we sat down .

  One of the ladies poured some kinda champagne in our glasses and went back to the front . " it's too early to be drinking but oh well " I grabbed my glass and he grabbed his .

  " cheers; to us " he said and smiled . " and to your birthday " I added . We tapped our glasses and drunk some .

" what is this ? It's fire " he made a face making me laugh " I have no idea " I said .

  We felt the jet start moving so we put on our belts . " how long is the flight ?" He asked .

  " two hours and thirty something minutes " I responded while playing with my nails .

" what's the place like ? And where are we staying ?" He asked making me look up at him " sorry " he laughed .

  " it's hot there , the people who are from there speak a different language but they know English too . And we're staying at this palace place ; they have bars in the hotel , breakfast , lunch and dinner inside and outside and a whole bunch of other stuff " I told him .

  " can you just tell me now !" He groaned . " fineeee! We're going to Cancun, Mexico " . He smiled big .

  " yes!! I knew it was gone be Mexico or something when you said something about the language " we both laughed .

  " thank you baby " he leaned forward and we shared a couple kisses. " you welcome " I smiled showing my dimples .


    " what time is it ?" I asked the driver . It's been three hours and we made it safely to Mexico .

Our driver was taking was to the riu palace cause that's where we were staying .

  " 9;04" he responded . Sum enough we pulled up and the place looked better in person than the pictures .

  We thanked the man and paid his ad he drove off . " maya how much did you pay for this.." Melo asked as his yes scanned around the outside of the building .

  " it doesn't matter how much , stop worrying about the cost . I told you ; you get anything you want" I nudged him .

" okay let's go inside now , it's starting to get hot " I dabbed myself making him laugh .

(This is the palace under but the video on top shows more of the palace , her Chanel is liyah li 💕)

(This is the palace under but the video on top shows more of the palace , her Chanel is liyah li 💕)

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  We checked in and made our way to the third floor on the elevator and into our room

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  We checked in and made our way to the third floor on the elevator and into our room .

" bae look at the view !" Melo smiled and pulled me to the balcony.
The view was really amazing and the water looked so pretty with the sun shining on it . " we can fuck out here too " he said and I smacked his arm .

  " boy gone somewhere " we both laughed and walked back in . There was a knock on the door and since I was close I opened it .

  " we heard it was someone's birthday so here you go to start your day off with some mimosas " the lady smiled and handed me the drinks .

  " thank you " I smiled . I closed the door and handed one to melo . " what are these ?" He asked while sniffing the drink making me giggle .

" mimosas " I took a sip of mine and that shit was so good ! Melo finished his in two minutes so it must've been good to him too .

    " what are we doing today?" .
" later on we're having your birthday dinner on a boat but before that , we're going to the spa downstairs " I smiled at him .

" the spa !? Ima be the only guy in there " . I shook my head " boy we have a private room , and we're just getting massages shut up " I chuckled .

  " but you can give me a massa-" I cut him off by throwing the pillow at him making him laugh .

" can you just say yes . I planned this for us and for you " I pouted . He came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist as we stood infront of the mirror.

   " I'm sorry  ...I appreciate everything you planned for us this trip so whatever you wanna do we can do it " he kissed the back of my neck .

" no..it's your birthday, if you don't wanna go then we-"

  " maya . " he turned me around making me look at him. " whatever you planned for us to do , we're doing it . Plus I don't want your money going to waste " he said .

  I nodded " okayyy " . He pulled me closer to him " I love you " he kissed my head .

I giggled " I love you more " I pecked his lips "let's take a nap tho , I'm still tired " he yawned making me laugh .

All of a sudden he picked up over his shoulder and fell on the bed . I wrapped my legs around his torso while his head was laying on my chest until he flipped us over .

I sat up making me straddle him and I smiled . " what ?" He chuckled .

I leaned down and we shared a kiss as I traced my finger from his abs all the way to the hem of his underwear feeling his breath hitch a little, yea I got that affect on him .

" Whatchu doin girl ?" He smirked . " birthday boy gets whatever he wants remember " I licked my lips and started kissing on his neck making him moan and grunt .

" fuck" his breathing was already heavy as i unbuttoned his shirt and kissed all over his chest and abs down to his v-line , the rest is history tho ..


  So off topic but please tell me why my damn teacher made me Juliet for the play we're doing ..😐

  I'm finna die y'all wtf .

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