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  " happy birthday to you ! Happy birthday to you!" I sung and recorded myself walking into the game room where melo was playing the game .

  He looked behind at me and smiled . " happy birthday to my big babbyy! Happy birthday to youuu!" I sung and sat on his lap showing both of us in the camera .

  He laughed and kissed my cheek "thank you baby ". I posted the video on my insta story .

  " why are you still up ? We have a flight to catch at six in the morning " I asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist with the controller still in his hand .

  " I don't even know where we're going " he chuckled . " boy cause it's a surprise, now come on " I groaned and tried to pull him up from the couch .

  He wasn't budging so I stood in front of the tv doing weird dances making him laugh " aight I'll come upstairs!" He turned off the game and stood up and stretched.

  I grabbed his hand and dragged him up the stairs . " why we going so damn fas-" he became quiet when we entered our room and he looked at the bed .

  I had some of his gifts on the bed which was a Dior belt, 3 pairs of Cartier glasses , two boxes of different Versace colognes and black and white triple s balenciaga's .

  " maya.." he picked up some of the stuff and smiled big . " it's not all your gifts but you like it ? I saw you looking at the balenciaga's so I had to get them for you " I chuckled .

He wrapped his arms around me and we shared a hug " I like all of it , thank you Bebe " he pecked my lips twice .

  He smelled the colognes and tried on the glasses which he loved thank god .

  I helped him put the stuff in his closet and cleared off the bed . We got under the covers and turned off the lights . He scooted closer to me and laid his head in the crook of my neck with his arms around my waist tight .

  " you packed your stuff for hot weather right ?" I asked and felt him nod his head .

  " goodnight boo , happy birthday I love you" I moved his hand up to my lips and kissed the back of his hand .

  " I love you more" he said in his sleepy voice making me smile .


" melo don't wear jeans cause it's gonna be hot when we land " . I looked at his outfit as he came out the closet .

I moved my long braids to the side and walked up to him . " where are we even going ?" He yawned.

" I'm not telling you now ! " I laughed . I dragged him into his closet and went by his shorts .

He had a brown Luis vutton silk shirt on with black jeans. " dip put the matching shorts on with the shirt " I said holding up the shorts .

" I ain't think of that " he said making me laugh. He started changing and I went to go look at myself in the mirror .

I had on my colorful bandana shorts with a cropped white beater and some Jordan 1's .

" this look good ?" Melo walked up to me licking his lips as I looked him up and down . " keep licking yo lips and we not going anywhere " I smirked making him laugh .

He kissed my cheek and we went into the bathroom to brush our teeth , wash our faces and use the bathroom .

We grabbed our luggage's and went on the elevator downstairs . We were having a personal driver take us cause I didn't feel like driving and neither did melo .

" ma who's keys are these !?" Melo shouted . I jogged over to him cause I was in the living room and seen he was holding up the new car keys I got him .

" those are yours " I said . He smiled big " you gotta see it first , come on !" He grabbed my hand and I led him outside to the front .

It. Was still kinda dark outside so I turned on the outside lights .

I seen his eyes glow up as he looked at the customized rolls Royce truck I got him .


Melo. POV

Once maya turned the outside lights on I saw the car more better and wow...that shit was so sexy !

" look inside at the seats " she smiled . I unlocked the doors and opened them .

The interior inside was red and on the head of the seats there was my brand logo on it .

I went up to her and hugged her tight , lifting her off the ground a little . " thank you , thank you , thank you !" I kissed all over her face making her giggle .

" wait you gotta see the trunk too " she smiled . We walked to the back of the car and she opened up the trunk .

There was big red speakers in there which I was so thankful that she got them but there was also a plate infront of them that said "rolls Royce " with "1 of 1" in the middle.

" mama you did not have to go all out like this " I smiled looking around the car .

" yeah but I wanted too , it's your birthday so you get anything you want " she said and held onto my arm .

I looked down at her and kissed her head " I appreciate it and everything you got me " I told her .

She looked up to me " you think this is all of your gifts? Boy this ain't even half of them " she laughed .

I laughed with her " I love you " I pecked her lips . " I love you more " she kissed me back .

" put that bad boy in the garage " she threw me the keys .

I hopped in the car and started it up . All of a sudden some kind of lights turned on at the bottom of the seats .

I rolled down the window " you put LED light in here ?" I smiled . She nodded her head " the color remote buttons are built into the dashboard " she said and I changed the color to red .

" god damn !" I looked all around and there was even light in the back of the car too . I opened the garage and parked the car in there .


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Heyyyy y'all .😛 how was y'all day?

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