My peace🕺🏽💕🛸

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( thank y'all for almost 10K reads 🥺💕!! I appreciate y'all for voting and commenting fasho , ya could text me and lmk what y'all what next in the story 🥰🛸)

I walked into the gym and heard a lot of familiar shouting.

I seen Mikey , reef , qir and Josh . " heyyy yall !" I smiled and they turned towards me fast .

Qir ran up and gave me a hug and so did the other boys . " where my boy melo at ?" Reef asked .

" in Charlotte, I came here by myself " I grabbed the ball out his hands .

" what y'all up too ?" I asked . " hoopin and shit " Mikey said .

" you still wanna fight ?" Josh asked and I glared at him . " ima beat yo ass " .

He laughed " I'll kick you in that big ass head " he bucked at me but I didn't flinch .

" do it bitch " I tilted my head at him .
" anyways ! How long you down here for ?" Reef asked .

" until Sunday , don't you got a game tomorrow?" I asked Mikey . He nodded his head " yesir ! " .

" you comin with the rest of us ?" Qir asked and I nodded my head .

" who all going?" .
" me , qir , Josh , Caleb , Zaire most likely and that's it I think " reef said and I nodded .

" I'll be there fasho . " I dribbled the ball and shot a three . " shoot just like melo " Josh said making me laugh . " I'm like the girl version of him " I shrugged while smiling .

" hell yeah " .


" I hope you ain't pick out no bogus ass outfit " qir said as we got in my car .

" boy of course I ain't " I chuckled and started driving to the girls house .

" what do you want for your birthday?" . Qir birthday was on Saturday so that's another reason why I came down here .

" I don't know and some shoes " he shrugged . I thought about it but since he's turning 18 ...I think I'm gonna buy him a car .

" I gotchu " . We pulled up to the girls house and it was a nice size modern house . We walked up to the door and qir took our a key .

We walked in and amirah was in the kitchen " maya!!" She yelled and ran up to me .

I gave her a big hug . " I missed you lul ugly " I told her making her mug me " you had me at the ugly part " she walked away making me laugh .

" where me'arah?" .
" in her bathroom I think she taking a shower " .

Qir went in the kitchen and I walked up the stairs and walked into the room that looked like meme's .

I walked into her bathroom as I heard the shower .
" amirah ?" She said .

" it's maya " I smiled even though she can't see me cause the shower curtain .

She stuck her head out " I would give you a hug right now but I'm wet " . We both laughed .

" shit it's hot in here ! I'll see you when you out" I laughed d and closed the door .

As I was walking out my phone buzzed from Twitter

  As I was walking out my phone buzzed from Twitter

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