Gender reveal🕺🏽💕🛸

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( once again I feel like this chapter was rushed 😖)

" andddd there's the heart beat again " my doctor said .

I was at my doctor appointment with riah cause everyone was at the house setting up with melo for the reveal .
Everytime I hear the heartbeat I cry a little because damn..I'm really gonna be a mom .

" okay the baby looks very healthy so I'll be back with the gender " she smiled and left out .

" have you guys talked about names yet ?" Riah asked me .

" a little . I think if it's a boy we would name it milo or Malachi. If it's a girl , I was thinking londyn or maleah " I told her .

" I like them all " she laughed as the doctor walked in and handed the envelope to riah .

" that's the end of the appointment! If you have any questions you have my number , good luck !" She smiled and I waved goodbye as she left back out .

I wiped my stomach and got up pulling my shirt down .

" you ready ?" Riah asked and I nodded and we walked out and into my car . I drove us back to the house and walked in .

" wow.." I looked all over the living room looking at the little decorations .

" you like it ?" Imani asked and I nodded my head " I love it !" I smiled .


" you gotta throw the ball into the air and melo is gonna dunk it , then the color is gonna come out" Gordon explained to me .

He gave me the ball as I hit my lip nervously. " you ready ?" Melo asked me and I nodded my head .

We shared a kiss and then he backed up taking a big deep breath. " 5 ! 4 ! 3 ! 2 ! 1 !" Everyone counted .

I threw the ball in the air and melo ran , jumped and dunked it as pink colors came flying out .

" oh my god oh my god !!!" I jumped up and down and melo hugged me tight .

" let's goo !! " he shouted as the boys hyped him up and the girls came to hug me .

" we're having a girl !" I cried and he wrapped his arms around me tight as we rocked back and forth .

I could tell he was beyond excited and I felt him smiling. He kissed my cheek and leaned his forehead on mines .

" I love you so much " he whispered and kissed my forehead.

I got butterflies in my stomach " I love you more " we shared a kiss and then just enjoyed our time with our friends and ate food .


3 days later ..

" you ready to see the nursery Bebe ?" He kissed my lips and I nodded .

I stood up from our bed and he held my hand " you gotta close your eyes mama" he chuckled .

" ughhh! Don't make me fall melo " I closed my eyes . " you know I gotchu " .

He lead me out the room and then we took a couple steps down one of the hallways .

He told me that he changed on of the guest rooms into the nursery . I heard him open the door and the guided me in the room .

" open your eyes Bebe " he wrapped his arms around stomach from behind me as I opened my eyes .

I gasped " lamelo .." My mouth was wide open .

  I walked in more and looked at all the decor

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  I walked in more and looked at all the decor . I looked up at the wall above the crib and there was a big diamond letter L .

  " oh god ..I love it " I turned around and gave him a big hug making him chuckle .

  " lemme shoe you the bathroom and closet " . We walked into the bathroom and it was super nice in there .

  Everything had like baby tubs and her soap , there was even a mini robe hanging too .

  " woww.." I smiled as I scanned the room . There was also a diaper station which was adorable.

" and this is the closet .." he opend the door and my eyes lit up even more .

  Everything looked so cleaned up and very nice . There was already a bunch of clothes on the hooks and of course melo got her all designer stuff .

  Her closet was just like mines and she had a little jewelry stand and there was already little necklaces and bracelets .

  " you did so good !" I gave him another hug and kissed all over his face .

  " you know I had to go all out for my daughter " we both laughed .

" I had got this mad for her and then one for us to " He pulled a box out of the corner and it was one of those 3D pictures .

  The picture was melo on his knees kissing my stomach while I was smiling .

  " your gonna make me cry " I pouted while holding thethe picture .

  " did you like all of it..?" He bit his lip nervously. " baby I loved it " I smiled at him and felt my stomach start to move .

  " ow !" I shouted and melo walked to me quickly . " what's wrong , you okay?" He asked quickly.

   " I'm guessing she liked it too cause she started kicking " I giggled as he smiled big .

He put his hand on my stomach " it's your dad here " he whispered and she started kicking like crazy .

  " melo calm her down !" .
" hey , hey , hey ! I know your excited but you can't keep kicking mommy like that , your gonna hurt her " he whispered to my stomach making me smile .

  She stopped kicking as much and went back to being calm . " thank you princess . Daddy loves you so much and can't wait to see you " he kissed my stomach and stood up .

  " thank you , she's definitely gonna be a daddy's girl " I giggled .

  " I think londyn fits her perfectly " he faintly smiled . " yeah ? Londyn Dior ball ?" I asked him .

  " what about your last name ? O'Neal " he asked . " oh I thought it would be too long but that sounds like a plan " I laughed .

  " londyn Dior O'Neal ball ..kick mommy twice if you like that name " he said to me stomach and she kicked three times actually .

kick mommy twice if you like that name " he said to me stomach and she kicked three times actually

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