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We were walking to another food place . I was behind them walking , I didn't feel like talking to nobody especially lamelo .
My arms felt tight like I needed to hit something so I was thinking I should hit melo on the side of his head but I wouldn't embarrass how he embarrassed me having Ashley say he was in her dms last night .

" maya !?" Sharife says .
I look up at them " what .." I said lowly . I seen we were at the food place and they wanted to know what I wanted . " I'm not hungry no more " . I said bluntly

" maya yo- " melo spoke but I cut him off . " please stop talking to me " I told him and he gave me that look but I ignored it . The boys ordered their food but I did get a strawberry lemonade though .

Lamelo, Jalen , reef and bronny sat across from me, Zaire , Mikey and sharife .
" you good ?" Zaire whispered to me while the boys talked . I shook my head no while my leg started tapping , I was ready to go home at this point .

  The boys talked amongst their selfs and I stayed quiet with my head down , I dug my nails in my palms too deep and they started bleeding.
" fuck " I whispered .
" I'll be back.." I told them . " where you going ?" Lamelo asked but I turned my head to reef " I'm going to the bathroom reef " I said and walked off .


  Reef had dropped me off at home and melo had followed us in his car .

  " maya , baby can you talk to me ?" He asked .

" in the most respectful way..stop talking to me Lamelo" . I looked right at him .

  He licked his lips " what's the issue now bro ?" .
I chuckled " you . You embarrassed me by having Ashley touch on you and you did absolutely nothing about it !" .
" what you mean embarrassed !? I never had you looking bad out here during this relationship ." He said .

  " you did just an hour ago , it's all over the internet so now I'm reminded every day that you let her touch up on you.. reminding me AGAIN that I look dumb !" . I told him .
" don't pin this on me ! You and Zaire was being all touchy and friendly with each other , you could be sleeping with him behind my back !" .

I smacked him across his cheek .
" I've never cheated on you . I never entertained or let my ex rub on me . You obviously didn't care if I was gonna fight her or not but he did , I didn't ask him !" I spoke . " you think I want her back or something !?" .

  " do you still love me...?" I looked up at him .
" hell yeah I do , arguing or not you know I love you " he spoke seriously.

  " block her than . On all social media, phone numbers , anything !" I said as I sat down on my couch and he joined me .
He showed me his phone " done " .
I nodded my head and laid my feet by Melos lap and my head on the couch pillow .
" your hungry arnt you ..?" He asked and I nodded my head . I shivered as i felt the whole place get cold .

  " here " he put one of my fury blankets on me . "I'll go get you some wings mama " he tried kissing me "I'm still mad at you , you don't get to have any kisses " I told him . He smacked his lips and kissed my forehead " I'll be right back , I love you !" I know he was waiting for a response and I couldn't just not say it back .
" I love you too !" .

A couple minutes later , I got a notification saying melo tagged me in a post .

A couple minutes later , I got a notification saying melo tagged me in a post

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Reading that post made me cry a little . Me and melo do have our moments but at the end of the day we love each other, and I don't think I'll ever be ready to let him go ..
I texted him " hurry and come back ..I miss you already 🥺 "

He replied quickly and said he was almost here .

  I grabbed my vlog camera and decided to start vlogging  .
" heyy yaya crew ! I know I look a lil rough ..but don't mind that . I know it's been a while since I uploaded anything on my channel but I'm back on my grind now !" I smiled .

  I stood up so I could turn on my LED lights that were in the living room . " it's around six o'clock right now and I'm here with melo but he went to get some food real quick and then I'll think we'll answer some of y'all questions " I sat back down .

  The door opened and I turned the camera on him .
He sat the bag on the table and gave me a kiss . "Whatchu got the camera for ?" He asked as he went to take his shoes off . " I'm vlogging " I smiled .

  Don't get it wrong though , I was still pissed at him for letting Ashley touch on him so he wasn't gone get none of my 'love and affection' tonight if you know what I mean .

  He put his arm around my shoulder " waddup gang ! Y'all know it's melo way or no way " he cheesed . " boy no ! Yaya crew you already know how we do !" I stuck my tongue out and then set the camera on my tripod.
You could see me and melo perfectly.
He wrapped his hands around my waist as he was behind me and hung his head on my shoulder.
" thank you for the food " I gave him a kiss .

  " aight soo first question is... how long have you guys been together ." I read off of my phone .
" four months " we both said making us laugh ." It feels like two years though " he kissed my cheek making me blush . " who asked who out?" I read and pointed to melo .

" he did , on our first date only because we had already liked each other and knew each other for four years " I said and he nodded his head while I ate some of my wings .

  " is lamelo going back to Detroit ?" I read .
" nah , ever since the NBA lottery, I'm down here until the draft " He said .

"why didn't you go to Detroit with melo ?" I read .

I wiped my mouth first . " I didn't go cause I wanted him to focus on his basketball and his mind..and getting stronger physically and mentally you know ? I didn't want him to focus on me or worry about me soo..that's why I didn't go "

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