For life 🕺🏽💕🛸

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( heyy gangnem , idk if ya saw the comment I forgot who said it but we need a gang name 😛. Idk what tho so..😭, y'all thugs enjoy tho😘)

" lamelo !" I shouted and walked into the game room .

He moved his head set off his head a little " yeah ma ?" He looked at me and then back at the game .

"Your barber is coming over in thirty minutes , what color outfit you wanna hear tonight and do you need me to re-twist your hair ?" I asked .

  " okay , something tan or neutral cause I wanna wear my balenciaga furry slides and yea after I get my hair cut " he told me and I nodded .

" melo it's not gonn- never mind . if the doorbell rings answer it !" I shouted as I ran up the stairs into his closet .

After searching his closet for twenty minutes I found a tan hoodie with matching sweatpants .

I heard talking downstairs so his barber must be here . I laid out one of his watches and chains with the outfit and overall, it looked good .

  My outfit was very similar to his ( her outfit on top) I was just going to wear my dior accessories and shoes .

I got my hair done last night but it was just a long low braid with my hair slicked back and my edges were laid .

  I went into our room and started cleaning up and then cleaned up our bathroom. After a while I finally finished and was sweating like hell .

  " baby !!" Melo yelled loud as hell . I heard him run up the stairs and come in the bathroom.

" ouuuu baby you look good !!" I smiled and ran my hands through his hair .

  " on bro I'm sexy " he cheesed while checking himself out in the mirror .

I laughed at him " you are " I pecked his lips . He smacked my ass hard, mind you I have on spandex .

  " ow !" I hit his arm making him laugh . He picked me up and set me on the counter.

" Unt uh , I gotta take a shower " I hit his hands from under my shirt .

  " I'll take one with you then " he kissed my forehead. " you just wanna fuck , lil nasty ass " I joked while starting the shower .

  " you want to 10x more though " he laughed knowing damn well he was right .

  We hopped in the shower and did what we had to do🌚.


  " I think , you are-you are ! Something special..I'll take you on a shopping spree cause I'm so into you !" Melo sung to me .

  I instantly got butterflies and smiled up at him . "Boy stopp !" I giggled and pushed him away but he pulled me to him .

  He wrapped his arms all around me " cause I'm so in to you !" He smiled at me .

" boy come on so I can do your hair !"! I laughed . We went into my closet and he sat down at my vanity .

I sprayed his hair with some water " aye , if she not doing yo hair and planning yo outfits ...then what you doing !" .

I looked up and seen he was recording me . I smiled making him chuckle " this my baby yall , ya see the name on my neck !" He showed off his chain .

  " we for life ! Ain't that right ma !?" He pulled me closer and showed me in the camera .

  " for life ! R you dumbb!" We both laughed and showed our rings . God what the hell is this man doing to me ?

  I started with his hair and twenty minutes later I was done . " go put on your outfit, it's in your closet " I told him .

  " thank you Bebe " he pecked my lips . " you know I gotchu " I smiled .

  I started getting dressed and put on my shoes and accessories. ( once again , outfit on top) .

I sprayed some perfume and re-did my edges . I walked out and melo had his outfit on .

" those big ass slides " I laughed and he glared at me . " these too tight " he said poking my thigh .

  " so ? They're cute " I smiled . I stood in front of our body length mirror and started recording myself.

  Melo came up behind me and rested his hand on my lower stomach and had the nerve to put his hand on my coochie.

  I started getting nervous and shit making me laugh " boy move !" . I ended the video and put it on my insta story.

   " why you so damn fine !! " he groaned and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me .

" we could stay home , I wanna eat you " he started kissing on my neck making me bite my lip .

  " m-melo we gotta g-go " I breathed heavily. He acting like we didn't just fuck in the shower .

  " I know.." he gripped my neck turning me around and we shared a sloppy slow kiss . At this point I wanna stay home too .

  I stuck my hands in his pants and started rubbing him making him moan in my mouth .

After ten minutes of us almost saying fuck it , we finally left and took his rolls Royce that I got him .

  " Draco dirty hit me, it got a fifty (mmm-mmm) Bitch, we sticked up, it's chopper city!" Me and melo both shouted to the song that was playing .

" aye ! Ayeeee, sing that shit bae !" He hyped me up as I did my lil dance .


" you coming in the back with us ?" Melo asked me as we walked into the arena .

People were getting close to us and taking pictures so he held on to my hand .

" I'm just checking in with your coach and I'll make my way to my seat " I told him as we turned by the locker room .

" Aye !" He shouted to two security guards and they came over to us .

" can y'all make sure she get to her seat , preciate it " he told them and they nodded .

" I'll tell coach your here , I gotta go . I love you " he kissed my head .

" I love you too, I'll see you out there" I smiled and he watched me walk away to the court .

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