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" wassup bestie!" Josh said and tried to hug me but melo snatched his arm away .

" you so fake to my sister I swear ." I laughed .
We said hello to everyone else and started bowling .

They played drake on the speakers. " can you get me some cheese fries ?" . Melo asked me as he grabbed his ball since it was his turn.

I nodded my head and made my way up to the counters . There was a woman in front of me and when I got in line a dude came behind me , he looked like he was my age .

" yoo your maya O'Neal, shaq's daughter !?" He said a little to loud . I turned fully towards him " yep that's me " I smiled .
"Can I get a picture with you ?" . He asked and I nodded. He held up his phone and we both smiled as he took the picture.

" appreciate it " . He tried to give me a hug but I just shook his hand . " no problem " .

I ordered two cheese fries ; one for me and the other for melo . I made my way back to our lanes and set the food down .
  " how is gelo winning against all of y'all " . I laughed as Gelo rested his arm on my shoulder . " I'm just goated like that sis " he chuckled .

  " I'm fina hit a strike on you mr.goat " Caleb says making everyone laugh except for gelo .
Melo and I sat down and started eating. Mines were good but Melos looked better .

" can I have some of yours ?" I asked him and he shook his head . " you literally have your own maya" . He chuckled .

"Yours looks better thoughhh , please" I poked out my bottom lip and gave him puppy eyes .
He looked back at me and finally gave in .

  " your lucky I love you " . He rolled his eyes making me smile . " thank you !" . I grabbed two of his fries and turns out I was right , his were better than mine .

We finished our food and it was my turn to bowl but my ball kept going on the gutter .
"Let me help you " . Melo laughed and I stale faced him as he grabbed my ball . He came up behind me and both of our hands were on the ball .
" you gotta follow the arrows " he told me . His body was pressed against mines which made me nervous but also smile .

He let go of me and I threw the ball down and I hit a strike . I turned around to the boys " yessir !!" . I smiled and walked off to the seats .

" it's about time you got a strike " . Zo laughs and I pull his hair making him wince .


" wanna grab some food ?" . Melo asked as he stopped at a red light .
We left the bowling alley a couple minutes ago .

" Chick-fil-A?" . I looked at him and he nodded his head . I heard 'best part' on the radio and turned it up . "It's the sunrise ..and those brown eyes " I sung with my eyes closed a little .
I opened them and looked at melo "your my water when I'm stuck in the desert, your the Tylenol I take when my head hurts " I sung to him making myself laugh .

" your the sunshine of my life- " I was singing but he cut me off . " I just wanna see how beautiful you are " he sung making me look at him surprised.
" you know that I see it , I know your a star . Where you go I'll follow, no matter how far " I smiled in his face making him laugh .
" if life is a movie ...know your the best part " he whispered the last part while looking directly at me making me blush .

" you never told me you knew this song " I smiled .
" I only know it cause you sing it every time " he laughed . I sat up in my seat " maya..?" I heard him say and I turned my head to face him and all of a sudden he put his hand around my throat and kissed me .

I was shocked and didn't know what to do so I pushed him back a little.
I just stared at him with wide eyes ."I-I'm sorry I shouldn't hav-" I grabbed his face and kissed his soft lips , he kissed back and wrapped his hand back around my throat.
The way our lips moved in sync and how soft his lips felt , I was ready to climb in the backseat .

After four minutes we stopped and just stared at each other . " think we should order the food now..?" I chuckled and he nodded as he pulled into the line .
" chicken nuggets and fries ?" He asked and I smiled while nodding my head . "You remembered?" . He smiled " girl yea !" . We both laughed and he played for the food and handed it to me .

  "Im paying next time " I told him as I got a fry out the bag and ate it .  " no your not , hand me a fry" he held his hand out and I put two in his hand and he ate them .

Girl of my dreams was playing on the radio and I bopped my head to it . " I know your not no god for me !" I sung and record myself and melo tried to get in the video making me laugh .

" but you look so good to me !" We both sung while I showed both of us . I ended the video and looked back at it and noticed how he was looking at me when we sung 'you look so good to me' .

I posted it on my Instagram story and seen we made it to my place . He got out and opened my door .
  " thank you " . He grabbed the bags from me and we walked inside up the stairs to my door .

We got in and he set the food on the island while I took my shoes off . " here " I gave him the money back for the food.
" I told you I got it yaya " he pushed it but I pushed it back .  " boy just take it " .


  " what you doing tomorrow ?" He was about to leave but we were standing by the door .
" me, my sister's and mom were hanging out and then I have a photo shoot" I ran my hands through my hair .

  " aight, I'll see you whenever " he chuckled and I gave him a hug . He hugged back and then backed up a little with his hand on the side of my face .
" can I ?" . He whispered and I nodded my head as we kissed . The kiss was slow and a little sloppy but I had no complaints, he was giving me butterflies in my coochie .

  He licked the bottom of my lip so he could slip his tongue in but I didn't let him until he squeezed my ass, making my mouth open more . Our tongues wrestled each other and I put my hands on the sides of his stomach.

  We stopped soon enough and just stared at each other . " I-I'll see you later " he bit his lip and I nodded,waiting for him to walk out but he looked back .

I laughed and walked closer to him . I pecked his cheek " goo lamelo " I smiled . He gave me one more hug and kissed my forehead " aight I'm gone !" He chuckled and I locked the door.

 He gave me one more hug and kissed my forehead " aight I'm gone !" He chuckled and I locked the door

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