One more🕺🏽💕🛸

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" even though I gave you all your presents.. it is one more thing that I got for you " melo said .

I smiled " w-what..?" I asked . Him and reef were smirking at each other

" come here " he motioned me over to him .

" know I love you ?" He asked and everyone got their phones out .

My heart started beating fast. " yeah of course " .

" you stood by my side for the longest , you left your family so we could move in together and so we could support each other ... you know I'm never good at this speech shit " . He said making us laugh .

He looked down for a second and then looked back up to my eyes . He had tears forming in his eyes " but I love you . I love how we can wake up next to each other , how we tell each other anything , how we accomplished so much while still being young ..but I'm glad that I got to do it with you ; the love of my life and my best friend so.."

All of a sudden he got on his knee and instantly I started crying .

" wh-what are you doing ?" I whispered.

He pulled out a box and opened it . Everyone screamed and hyped him up .

" I don't wanna be with no one else but you maya ..and as much as I want to ask you to marry me , we're still young so this is a promise ring " he sniffed and opened the box and it was a all diamond ring .

I gasped and turned around . "Aww don't cry !" The girls yelled and came to rub my back as I started to break down .

" oh my god .." I cried and turned back around .

He stood up and slipped it on my finger and then put one on his .

I put my hands on my knees cause I was still in shock. He lifted me up and I gave him a big hug .

" I love you so much " I told him making him kiss my head . " I love you more " .

We rocked back and forth and I pulled away and looked at the ring , it was so gorgeous I can only imagine what our engagement ring would look like .

 We rocked back and forth and I pulled away and looked at the ring , it was so gorgeous I can only imagine what our engagement ring would look like

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" did you enjoy your birthday mama ?" Melo asked .

We were in our bathroom getting ready for bed , everybody else had left to their hotels .

I nodded my head " mhmm " I wrapped my arms around his bare waist .

" you look real good right now .." I said lowly and started kissing his abs and moved up to his chest .

He picked me up and sat me on the sink counter .
" tell me what you want.." he whispered with his finger touching around my lips .

" you " . Before I could even blink he attacked my neck with kisses making me moan .

He picked me up and took us to our bed and that's when the magic happened...four rounds to be exact.

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