Date night🕺🏽💕🛸

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" there's someone at the door maya" me'arah groaned . I stale faced her and got up to open the door.

It was flowers sitting pretty on the doormat .
They were a blueish grayish color and white , they went perfect with my apartment.

I picked them up and there was a note on the side .

' good morning beautiful. Sorry it's early , I know you probably sleep lmao . I'll be there at seven for our date , love you yaya !
-melo dip

"Awhhh" I smiled after reading the note .
I put the flowers in some water and looked at the time , it's eleven !?!? .
"Wake up !" I hit them both with a pillow making them smack my arm .

" girllll ! " amirah yelled and they got up .
" it's eleven , wake up because we're going to the. spa " . I told them .

" good , amirah can finally get her toes clipped " me'arah said making me and her laugh .

She threw the pillow at her " my toenails are fine shut up !" . I laughed at them .

I went into the kitchen and started making breakfast, later on they came in and helped me .


We ate, cleaned up , showers and we left in my white Tesla .

" if they keep tickling my toes ima kick them in they head " me'arah said making me laugh .

" girl you gone get us kicked out " . I got a text and it was from melo . He asked me where I was at and I told him the spa with the girls .

I looked over at amirah and she was knocked out .
I tapped me'arah and she looked over.
" she sleeps all day , somethings wrong with her" we both laughed and some of the Chinese people looked at us weird .

All of our phone buzzed and it was a text from the family group chat; from Myles .
'Someone tell mom that I deserve a new place that cost ten thousand a month 😒' .
I typed 'LMAOOO'. Myles place is just fine the way it is , he already pays three thousand a month .


I dropped amirah off at her dorm and I was at mom house now .
We were all chilling in the kitchen " I think Myles is crazy if he wants me to pay ten thousand a month for him " mom says and i agreed with her .

" he should just live with you maya" she said and gave her the most uglies face ever .
It was true that my apartment was wayy better than Myles . " there's no way that he's living with me ,nope !" I said

" I think that Myles and maya would make good roommates" my mom said during the interview.
" no because Myles likes to have parties all the time and have girls over " I said .
" you like parties " my mom tells me .
" and I also like my peace and quiet " . I said and she rolled her eyes

" him and shareef can go back to being roommates " I said and reef hit me on my head " no!" .

I hit him in the back of his head " stop hitting me " .
He smirked " what's going on with you and melo " he asked and everyone turned their attention to me . " aww she's blushing " my mom said making me'arah and qir laugh .

" I don't know... we started messing with each other like three weeks ago and now we're going on a date tonight " I smiled .
" you like him?" My mom asked .
" yeah.." I smiled and looked down .

"Maya is a good child , she's always been good at basketball and in school so now that she's out on her own..I think she's ready for the real dating life . Her and melo would make me some cute grandkids too" my mom spoke .

" I gotta get ready though ...I'll see y'all later " . I gave everyone a hug . I went out to my car and drove off to my apartment.

Once I got situated at home I texted melo .

What you want me to wear tonight??

Remember those matching Burberry outfits we got? Wear that 💕.

Okayy , lmk when you here .💙

It was three almost four o'clock so I decided to take a quick shower and then took a nap with my furry blankets .


" baby can you focus ...on me !!" I sung as I finished brushing my teeth .

It was six o'clock and I was about to get dressed .
I left my hair curly in a middle part . I put on some deodorant and then put on my outfit.

  I put my hat on and looked at myself in the mirror, not to be cocky but I looked fine as hell .
My black shorts made my butt look even more good and I was glad that it was hot out tonight because lord knows I would've freezed my ass off .

  I looked at the time and seen it was six forty already.
I put on my chain and watches . I debated on wearing regular black socks but I just put in the ones that matched the outfit because knowing lamelo, he would throw a fit if I wasn't wearing the whole thing.

I sprayed some perfume and turned the music down just a little as I heard a knock on the door .
I went to go open it and it was melo .

" heyyy !" I smiled and gave him a hug.
I let him in "you look good " He pecked my lips while his hands rested on my ass .

  "Thank you , you look good too long legged ass " I joked as he smacked his lips and I laughed .

" you know what else is long ?" He asked and I hit his chest " boy gone somewhere " I spoke making us both laugh .
I heard my song come on the speaker ' freak nasty' by Megan thee stallion
I turned it up " you got a pass around nigga , he a hot potato " I sung and I put my shoes on .

I went up to melo and hugged him around his stomach while he was scrolling through his phone .
" freak nasty , lick on my hand then I put it in his pants " I sung and shook my ass . he looked down at me and recorded with his hand on my butt, making me laugh .

After I cleaned up everything, I put on some chapstick and turned off all the lights and we left out .

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