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Two weeks later..

( i ain't even go cap I'm high rn so I'm not sure if it makes sense..?? Lmao okay yal can read now😛😭)

" baby what're you doing here ?" Melo walked up to me .

I was at the boys facility while they were practicing because the staff wanted me to be apart of them I guess you could say .

At first I was kinda iffy about it but I told them yes, so today was kinda my first day to 'work ' but thank god I knew the team already .

" you'll see" I winked making him shake his head and laugh .

" alright everyone over here by me !" Coach borrego told the guys .

I walked next to him as some of the guys waved at me . " practice is over in thirty minutes but you guys know this team welcomes new faces all the time" coach said .

Some of them nodded and chuckled . One of the trainers handed me a paper while coach was still talking .

" we have someone new part of the staff -" he turned to me making me look up at them and smile.

" you guys already know maya , especially lamelo " they laughed .

" she's gonna just be everywhere ; helping with our games , any injuries, practices , our team ..stuff like that . So make her feel welcomed and Finish off practice " he told them .

He put his hand on my shoulder " happy you could be here " we both smiled .

" thank you for having me " I said back . He nodded his head and left somewhere .

I looked back at the boys " melo you ain't know nothing about this huh ?" Pj asked him .

" hell naw !" They laughed . " since you helping with everything around here , you gotta teach us something they made your dad the all-star he is now " Caleb , one of the twins said .

" minus well " I shrugged . I looked down at the paper and it was a list of who had minor injuries and needed help stretching , stuff like that .

" for ten minutes just shoot around while shine off yall stretch with me " I told them .

" Cody , Gordon , miles and terry over here with me !" I said .

They followed me to the other side of the court . " so none of y'all are injured your just sore ?" .

They nodded . " alright . There's this one stretch for your hips and hamstrings."

" cross your feet and try to to bend down and touch your toes " I showed them an example .

" I'm not doing that gay shit " miles laughed . " I'll kick your hamstring instead " I smiled innocently at him .

" aight imma do it , ion wanna get kicked by yo strong ass legs " we all laughed .

They did it three times . " then stand up straight and hold your knee out infront of you and then move it to the side " I showed them and they did it .

" better now ?" I asked and they nodded . " aight we can go back with everyone else ." We all walked over to the other side of the court .

" y'all got a game tomorrow and y'all playing defense like that..?" I bit the inside of my cheek .

" watch out melo " . Melo was guarding devonte so I melo moved to the side as I got in front of vonte.

" y'all not getting close enough , if your playing D then get on them but you gotta be careful cause the ref's call a foul quick " I said as they nodded their heads .

" focus your eyes on they're chest , I promise it'll help y'all a lot more and most likely let you steal the ball " I shrugged .

" try to get past me " I told devonte . We both got low as he started bouncing the ball " see I'm keeping my eyes on his chest !" I shouted and he tried to run the other way but I got the ball from his hands as it bounced from the floor .

I passed it back to him " not that hard " I told the rest of them .

They went back to shooting around and playing one on ones, trying out what I taught them .

" ayo why you not in the WNBA , you a good baller " pj asked out loud .

" cause I'm most likely not gonna get drafted somewhere near Charlotte plus I'm still tryna figure out if I was continue college or not " I shrugged .

" bismack bend your arm a little more and that three should go in " . He followed what i said and made a three .

I looked over and seen melo playing one on one with devonte . " dip follow his chest !" I shouted and clapped .

Coach had came back out and stood next to me " they seem to listen to you more than me " he chuckled .

" you just gotta be aggressive with them a bit " I told him .

" be honest you think they're ready for the game tomorrow ?" He asked me while still checking them out .

" my honest opinion; I think they can take the win if they follow what I tell them about playing defense . "

" they're offense is good but the way they're playing defense now... if they play like this time then they could definitely win " I told him .

" nice job , on your first day " He gave me a high five making me laugh . " I do what I gotta do " .

  " alright that's the end of practice! Make sure you guys go home , shower , eat and be ready to go tonight for Tampa !" Coach told them .

  They got into a huddle and broke it down as I went by the little table and sat my paper down .

I felt a hand on my lower back. " I'll see you at home ?" He kissed my cheek .

" melo u can't be all over me while I'm working " I groaned .

He rolled his eyes " but I'll see you when your home " I kissed his lips and started walking away outside .

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