Miss you🕺🏽💕🛸

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Two weeks later ..

   " I don't wanna get up, leave me alone "

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   " I don't wanna get up, leave me alone ". I sniffed as amirah and me'arah tried getting me out of my bed .

  Melo had ghosted me four days ago and as you can tell.. I'm hurt .
As much as I wanna stunt on him and show him how much he's missing... my face always shows I'm sad.

  " we don't care . Get up and get in the shower " me'arah yelled.
I mugged her and she mugged me back . " now !" She yelled again.

I finally got up and went into my bathroom.
I looked up at my mirror and had a flashback from when melo had scared me.

I started brushing my teeth and when I looked up at the mirror I saw melo behind me . I got scared and jumped , making my ass rub on his area , mind you he's wearing sweatpants and this nigga felt big even on soft .

  " yo you wanna fight !?" I yelled as I spit the toothpaste out . " girl Whatchu mean " . His big mouth ass smiled , making me smile too .
" stop fucking scaring me " I laughed and wiped my mouth. When I looked back up I heard him take a picture of us . "I wasn't even looking good melo !" I groaned and put on lipgloss.

  " you always look good shut up " .


I started crying again . Amirah came in " ohh come here" She said in a baby voice and hugged me.

I hugged her back tighter and cried on her shoulder .
" I just m-miss him " I sniffed . She pulled back .
" you know what ? You need to let him know how you feel . You deserve an explanation and that's what you're going to get !" She told me and I wiped my tears.

" I can't , you know that " I said while taking my sweater off .
" your my sister..plus a bad bitch , if he still can't come around after you talk to him then it's his lost , am I right bad bitch !?" She put her hands behind her ear.

" yeah.." I whispered .
" I can't hear you !" . My mouth turned into a smile " hell yeah , not get out " .

She left and I looked in the mirror.
' your a bad bitch , if the nigga don't want you.. it's because you too fine for him " I told myself .

" yeah that sounds about right " .
I got in the shower , shaving, washing my hair and washing my body .
And yes I did wash my body with his favorite soap of mine.

I got out and got myself situated .


"Zo said it's just them there in the house and he should be in his room " . Amirah said and I nodded my head .

I took a deep breath and got our the car walking to the front door .
Zo kept it unlocked for me so when I walked in , I made sure to lock it back. I walked into the living room and seen gelo.

" here for dip ?" He asked and I nodded.
" he's upstairs... he misses you maya" he looked me straight in my eyes .

" we both know that's not true " . I looked down.
" it is the truth . It'll make sense when he explain it to you, now go " he pushed me up the stairs and I walked up to Melos door .

I was about to knock on it I heard him talk.
" brooo I just miss her" his voice cracked, it sounds like he was about to cry .
I knock on the door . " come in " .

I took a deep breath and walked in and closed the door. His back was turned towards me until I spoke .
" m-melo..?" I whispered and he spun around so fast. " wh-what are you doing here ?" He wiped his eyes and stood up .

" you ghosted me for two weeks.." I sniffed .
" w-we were doing fine and you just.. left ." My voice cracked and I looked up at him .

I wiped my eyes as a tear fell down .
" I've cried so much over you for these past two weeks just trying to figure out if your were just playing with me... if you got bored of me-" I was saying but he cut me off .

" it's not that maya.." .
" then what is it melo !? " I yelled .
" because I know what I want ! I've always wanted YOU a-and you started showing me affection and I thought u like me back , but then you ghosted me!" .

" when I'm around you I felt like no one could hurt me ! I felt safe in your arms lamelo !" I cried .

He came up to me and held my hands.
" I ghosted you because..I-I never felt this way about some one before. "

" I didn't know how to control my feelings and didn't know if this was a real feeling . I want YOU yaya . I didn't know if you felt the same so I backed away and gave you some space but it killed mee just as much as it's killing you " He sniffed and lifted my head up.

"Why don't you just talk to me ?? I would've listened. " I looked at him.
He shrugged " I never felt like this before.. I'm never god at expressing my feelings" he looked down.

I lifted house head back up . " I still want you.." I made a sad face and he smiled a little.
He hugged me with his hands around my waist and we rocked back and forth.
" I want you too.. and I'm sorry" He sniffed .
I chuckled. " it's okay , just..don't ghost me next. time " .

He looked at me and we kissed immediately.
I missed his touch so bad . He touched all over me and I ran my hands up and down his abs under his shirt .

He started kissing on my neck and he got my spot "m-melo.." I moaned .
I could feel him get turned on once I said his name .
He put us on his bed and I straddled him.
He rubbed his hands all over my butt while I started kissing his jawline and all around his neck .

" fuck maya.." he grunted making me smirk.
We stopped " amirah and me'arah are waiting for me outside " i frowned.

" I'll come by tomorrow, I'm taking you on a date " . He bit his lip . I looked at him surprised "okay .." I said as I leaned in for another kiss and he slipped his tongue in my mouth as i started grinding on his area, since it was getting bigger by the second making me moan .

" you better go before I rip these leggings off ma" he spoke in a deep voice . " rip them then " I whispered and smirked .
He laughed " girl come on, let me walk you out" .


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