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  ' I swear it's too early for this ' I said to myself as I got dressed . I had just got out the shower and it was eight in the morning .

  (Outfit above) . I washed my face and brushed my teeth . I made sure I had a little bag packed because since the gym where the game is was far , I was gonna just stay in the same hotel the boys were going to be in for a night .

  Shaqir had texted me and told me he was just gonna stay with dad .

I posted some of my photos last night when I got home and melo was just being bold !
I wonder if he does actually like me..but I mean he wouldn't use me right ..?

  I made sure I had my phone , chargers , AirPods , money and etc . I put on my shoes and brought a Nike sweater with me just in case .

  I made sure I was situated and then I left out to my car . I got in quickly and drove to the gas station to get gas and also some breakfast.

As soon as I left the gas station, I was on my way to the hotel with some music playing low in the back ..low key this drive was relaxing .


  " fina-fucking-ly " I shouted in my car as I made it to the hotel .

  I was super tired and wanted to just sleep in my car but I had to get out soon before the boys arrive .

   I threw on my shades and grabbed my bag . As I was walking to the doors , I could spot the teams bus pull up and I hurried into the lobby and luckily it wasn't a line to get a room .

  " hi I'm here to get a room , just for the night " I told the lady .
" name ?" She asked . "Maya O'Neal " .
She smiled instantly . "'Oh yes ! You made your reservation last night . Your room is on the second floor the same room where the team is ."

  Last night I called them and they knew that a basketball team was going to be staying here so I told them to put me on the same floor as them because I had a surprise for one of them .

  " here's your key , have a nice day " . She told me .
" you too " . As I stood infront of the elevator, I seen the boys walk in and melo was the first one I spotted.

  He had on the black durag I got him but he look sad and tired , awwh.
The elevator opens and I hurried in . I made it to the second floor and went into my room .

  The rooms were very nice and put together ! I turned my alarm to 2;35 because the game starts at 4 so I could get some good sleep in .

I quickly sent a text to melo though .

Have a good game tonight, I wish I could be there but I know you'll do amazing! I love you dip . 💕

Melo 🥰
Wish you could be here too yaya , ilym .🤞🏽

I smiled at his text and put my phone on the charger .
I got in the bed and instantly fell asleep, I just knew I was gonna sleep good .



It was three fifteen and melo told me they made it to the stadium because I asked what he was doing

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It was three fifteen and melo told me they made it to the stadium because I asked what he was doing .

  I was wearing a customized jersey that had his number on it. ( imagine it says #1) plus it had his colors on it .

I put a white turtle neck under and had some jean shorts on . I put on my white balenciagas and went to the bathroom to put my straight hair up in a ponytail. I did my edges and babygirl!!!

  I was looking like a thanksgiving diner ! .
I brushed my teeth and put on mascara with some lipgloss. I sprayed my favorite perfume and made sure I looked alright .

I turned off the light and seen it was almost four already . I put on my shades and grabbed my stuff .

I went down to the lobby and out to my car . My phone automatically connected to the aux and played lil baby .

  I was lucky that there wasn't any traffic so I got there quickly .
I spotted zo and gelo walking towards the doors but I yelled out their names. They turned around and I got out the car .

" maya ..!?" Zo yelled back and I lifted up my shades so they could see it was me .
I walked up to them and gave them a hug .
" thought you wasn't coming bro " gelo said .

" I was , I just wanted to surprise him .  Now I gotta put my shades back on let's go " . They laughed at me and we walked inside hearing how loud the crowd was as the boys were warming up on the court .

  People turned their heads at us three but I had my shades on still until we got to the side lines where zo and gelo always sit and I took them off , making everyone get even more louder .

  I spotted melo . He was going for a layup but missed . He never misses a layup..

  There was music playing in the stadium so it was still loud but I hopped that melo could hear me .

" melo !" I yelled . People started recording and he looked around but didn't see me .
  " lamelo !" I smiled and his head snapped towards me and he instantly smiled with his head down and then he brought it back up .

   He walked off the court and gave me the biggest hug , making me smile .
" I thought you couldn't come !?" . He pulled away but started close .
  " I wanted to surprise you ! I seen you guys at the hotel and you looked so okay ?"
I held onto his sides . " I was just bummed cause you wasn't gone be here , but now you are "  he smiled widely . I was about to say something but he leaned down to my ear .

  " I really wanna kiss you right now " he whispered and I felt shivers run through all of my body .

I blushed and he laughed " I gotchu blushing ma ?" He cheesed and I swear I just turned into a waterfall down there .

" shut yo ugly ass up ! Peep the outfit " I helps into my ponytail and gave him a spin .
" you look fine as hell wearing my name and number" . He whispered again . I hugged him again .
" okay now go back on the court and I'll be here , cheering you on like always " . I told him .

He turned around and pointed to his durag for me to take it off .

I untied it and took it off carefully cause I know his waves were important to him . We did our little handshake and it was time for the game to start.

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