Missed you🕺🏽💕🛸

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  " this shit so good " I said as I ate the late piece of my burger.

" girl hurry up , it's already getting full in there " amirah laughed.

I wiped my mouth and put on a lil lipgloss. "Ight let's go " . We got out the car and walked into the gym setting it was already hella people here .

  People started noticing us and screamed . I waved at them " there go the boys" .

  We walked to the seats where the boys were . " look who finally came" Reef said .

  " we were eating boy . Hey y'all !" They stood up and I hugged josh , Caleb and then Zaire .

We sat down as the players started coming out and warming up .

  I went on my phone until two cheerleaders came up to me . " can we take pictures with you and Zaire?" They looked so happy to meet us .

  I looked at Zaire and he nodded . I looked back at the girls and smiled .

  " yeah c'mon , let's go over here " all four of us went next to the bleachers and had someone take the pictures. 

The two girls were in between me and Zaire as we posed . " thank you guys ! " they smiled big making me laugh .

  " of course ! What's y'all's names ?" I asked .
" Emily and breanna " .

  " y'all from here ?" I asked .

" I am " breanna said . " I'm from Greece " Emily said .

" damn .. Greece !?" Zaire smiled . She nodded her head . " that's what's up , it was nice meeting y'all "

  " Byee " I waved at them and they went back to the other side of the gym .

  " imagine being from Greece , that shit is unique " he said making me laugh .

  " or Italy. Imagine being from bora bora or something " I said making him nod his head as we walked back to our seats cause the game was starting .

  " now that shit would be cool as hell " he said and we sat back down with everyone else .


    " let's go Mikey !!" We all shouted as he dunked .
All of us were out our seats cause this nigga was real life fire .

  Everyone started getting loud for some reason .
" oh shit ! " Caleb said and I looked at him .

  " what ? What's happening?" I asked him .
" Melos here " he said making me give him a confused face .

  " huh !?" I shouted cause it was loud . "Yo boyfriend here " he whispered in my ear.

  My head shot up so fast to the entrance and seen melo walking towards us .

  I smiled so big and stood up . I walked over to him and he gave me a big hug with his arms wrapped around my neck .

  Some people were cheering . " what are you doing here !?" I shouted as we let go .

  " I missed you ! Plus I couldn't miss the game and qir birthday " he chuckled .

  " I missed you too " we shared a kiss and he put his arm around my shoulder as we walked back to the seats .

  " what up my boys !" They all dabbed up one another and he gave a amirah a hug .

  He sat down next to me and sat his Gatorade down . He was wearing ;

   " you look good " he whispered in my ear making me get butterflies

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" you look good " he whispered in my ear making me get butterflies.

" so do you " I told him as I put my hand on the back of his neck and rubbed it .

I turned back to the game and Mikey shot a three pointer . We all clapped as he threw up his lil sign making us laugh .

I moved my hand from Melos neck making him look at me . " why you stop ?" He asked .

" c'mere " I said and he scooted closer to me and put his head on my shoulder.

My eyes were stuck on the game but I was whispering in his ear . " I missed you daddy " . I smirked to my self.

He lifted his head up " girl give me a kiss " . He said . I gave him two kisses cause I didn't wanna make out with him in front of all these people .

He rested hand on my thigh and continued watching the game .


The teams were taking a break cause next was 3rd quarter .

" y'all want anything from the consession stand ?" Josh and reef stood up .

I shook my head no and everyone else told them what they wanted .

" if number 3 keep staring at you ima beat his ass " melo said .

I looked at number 3 and he was surely licking his lips at me in a sexual way .

I sat on Melos lap and he wrapped his arms around my waist . " he couldn't have me even if I was single baby " I kissed his head .

" you ain't gone be single in no time " he said as he fixed his beanie .

" fuck is you looking at ?" Melo said to the boy and he held his hands up in surrender.

I slapped his shoulder " stop boy " I told him strictly and got off his lap .

" I swear I'll stomp on him , fuck he keep looking back at you for " he started standing up and so did I .

" we're going outside , come on " I turned him around . " we'll be back " I told the gang .

We made it outside and I stood in front of him with my hands on his stomach .

" calm down " I told him .
" nah he obviously see you got a nigga so why is he looki-"

" lamelo ! " I grabbed his chin making him look at me . " fuck him . He can look at me all he want but your the one I'm with " I said .

" now chill out mad ass " . I chuckled .

" I'm chill baby " he wrapped his arms around my waist and we shared a kiss .

" yo ass fat in these " he smiled while squeezing my butt .

" baby my ass always been fat " I laughed .
" mhmm " he hummed and continued rubbing my butt .

" boy stop and come on !" I laughed and hit his chest . " hold on" .

He grabbed my neck and kissed my jawline all the way up to my lips . " yo fine ass " he said making me smile .

" I'm all yoursss, now come on " I giggled and we walked back in hand in hand .

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