On go🕺🏽💕🛸

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We pulled up to my place and I turned to unbuckle my seat belt . " maya why are you crying.." he wiped my tears away with his thumb but I hit his hand.

" leave me alone ". I sniffed .
" no . Why are you crying , talk to me " he rubbed my hand but I hit him . " go be with Ashley, I'm done with you " . I got out and slammed his door .

I made it to my door and and walked in . I flipped on the couch . " I really just said I'm done with him " I said to myself . I needed something to throw or hit .. I grabbed a cup that was on the coffee table and threw it with no hesitation.
  I watched as it shattered on the floor and I heard the door open , revealing melo .
He looked down at the glass and came over to me .

  " baby .." he sat down next to me .
I just sat there with my hands covering my face .
" I love you and only you . I don't know what Ashley is talking about , she's just tryna mess shit up ." He rubbed my back .

  " I'm not cheating on you, I'm not going behind your back and I'm not sneaking around with anybody " he lifted up my chin making me look at him. " I'm with you 24/7 . Check my past locations, check anything but I'll never cheat on you maya , I don't want nobody but you " he said and moved my hands .
I stood up " well now I feel stupid .." I spoke and he stood up to. " your not stupid mama ..c'mere " he held his arms out and I hugged him as he hugged me tighter.

A week later ..

" can you just come with me ? You make everything so difficult maya " reef said on the phone .

" you literally have other siblings ...ask them " . I said . " I'm asking you cause your the cool one , I'll be there in 15 , love you !" He hung up .

  Today my brother , Mikey Williams , Zaire wade , sharife , jalen green and bronny were shooting a little video today and of course I had to be tagged along .
I already took a shower last night because I hadn't game and today cause I went to the gym earlier . I changed into my outfit ;

  I fixed my Jordan's and sprayed some perfume, nothing too heavy though

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  I fixed my Jordan's and sprayed some perfume, nothing too heavy though .
Reef texted me and said he was outside .
I grabbed my keys and phone and headed out .

" wassup ugly " reef said as I hopped in the car .
" waddup bitch " . As soon as I said that he hit me in my head . " ow !" I yelled and hit him harder "girl I'm driving what's wrong with you " .

" should've never hit me " I laughed .


" heyy yall ! " I waved as me and reef walked into the gym . " ayee ! " jalen said and we all sides hugged . " damn when was the last time I B seen you yaya ?" Zaire asked me smiling .

  " a longgg time ago! What you been up to old man?"  I asked him as I started dribbling one of the balls .

" we the same age dumbass and nun , just been hooping " he took the ball from me making me mug him . " reef why would you bring me here , I'm bored already!" I groaned .

  " shoot some hoops or sum " Mikey said B and threw a ball at me .
I rolled my eyes at him and went to the other side of the court so I won't be in their way .
  I dribbled around and then started hooping .


  " y'all wanna get some food ? I'm starving" Jalen said . " hell yeah " bronny spoke .
" it's a place on the corner we can get food from " sharife said and we all agreed to just walk there .

  I was walking next to my brother and Jalen .
" why the fuck are you so tall..?" I looked up at Jalen . " your boyfriend is taller than me maya" he laughed . " you right , you right " .

The food place was a outside lunch type place so once we got there we turned right so we could get a table but I saw familiar hairstyle on a boy and a girl standing next to the table .
" hold up " I said and out my hand on Mikey's arms so I could lean over . It was melo and one of his teammates that I know of eating but the girl standing next to the table was.. Ashley.

  The boys looked at what I was seeing ; she touched Melos arms and he ain't move .
" don't do it maya " bronny said .
" you already know she gone do it " reef said and he correct , I'm glad there wasn't a lot of people here cause it's about to go down .

  I walked up to the table on the other side of Ashley .
" this what we doing now ?" I said and they looked up at me . " wassup baby " melo tried giving me a kiss but I held my hand " mhmm" .

He dabbed the boys up but I turned my head to Ashley . " I find it funny how it's a whole bunch of niggas out here and you still want mines ?" I tilted my head at her , I was trying to be calm but the more I look at her face I just wanna kill her- I mean fight..I just wanna fight .

" baby girl I had him before you " she smiled .
The boys attention was now on us .
" well bitch I have him now , you ain't in the picture no more !" I told her . " melo your just gonna let her call me a bitch ?"

" hell yeah he is ! And next time I see you touching on him I promise you imma rock yo shit bitch !" This is when we started getting loud .
" rock my shit !? Girl I don't even know you !" .
" but you wanna touch on my man !? The way you move it make it seem like you know me !" I walked closer to the table and I felt Zaire start trying to get in front of me cause they know I was about to hit her .

" because'your man ' wants me ! You ain't shit to him baby girl !" The way she said that , I grabbed Melos drink and threw it on her .
She started throwing hands but missed , Zaire pulled me back but I was able to grab her hair and made her head bang on the table .

" maya chill out !" Reef said and they stood in front of me . There was so much commotion going on but I saw Ashley coming back up to us .

" yo when do you quit, bitch he doesn't want you !" I shouted trying to get through melo , Jalen and Zaire . " bitch if I had him before then I can have his ass again !" She yelled .
" Why he still wit me then !? Take him since you a 'bad bitch ' !" I yelled .
" I already did , he was in my dms last night bitch !" . Once she yelled that I tried my best to get through them , I got in between Jalen and Zaire. " Bitch I wasn't texting you !" Melo spat .

" wassup !? You really talking big shit like you gone handle me so handle me bitch !" I was close to her face but then the boys got me again and security started coming . " you ain't nothing important!" She waved me off trying to be cute .

" hoe get a fucking life ! I'll slap all that makeup off yo face !" I yelled back at her .
" you guys gotta go now !" The security told us and we left out with Zaire holding both of my arms making sure I wouldn't go after her again .

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