Another lifetime 🕺🏽💕🛸

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Once again , I cried making this 🥺🥺.play the music while reading, enjoy though🌚 !

I ran into the hospital and up to the front desk " I'm here for my pregnant girlfriend!" I said out of breath .

" name ?" He asked . " maya O'Neal, she's four months pregnant and was in a car accident , I'm lamelo" I told him .

" she..she is in surgery right now but we will let you know immediately when she out . You can wait in the waiting room " he told me .

I took a deep breath and and sat down in one of the chairs bouncing my leg . People started noticing me and took a couple pictures but I ain't care , I just need to know if my child and my girlfriend are okay .

I started playing with the chain I had on my neck that had her name on it and started crying a little.

I couldn't let people see me so I covered my face with my hands but it was hard cause I couldn't stop shaking .


" lamelo ..ball? Here for maya O'Neal!" The doctor asked and I stood up fast .

" that's me, how is she and the baby ? " I said . " she's out of surgery right now , she had a good chance of not surviving but she made it " he smiled .

" what about the baby? What about my daughter..!" My eyes started getting watery .

" with the baby bei-" he started off and I broke down and put my hands on my knees .

A few more doctors came and held me up . " with the baby being only four months ..she had no chance . We had the chance to just have maya give birth but the chances of her and the baby passing together were very high " he told me .

"No ! Nooo" I cried as they kept holding me up . " we'll take you to see her, she should be up " one of the ladies said and they walked with me on the elevator and to her room .

We made it to her door and they nodded for me to go in . My hand shook as I opend the door and closed it .

I seen her in the bed with tears down her cheeks and her hands on her stomach .

I ran to the bed and she looked up at me and shook her head " m-melo I-I'm so sorry " she cried hard and so did I with her .

" no baby ..I-it's not your fault " I held her hand and cried in the crook of her neck .

  She had scratches on her face and arms but some of
Them were stitched up . " our baby is gone !" She cried out .

  I hugged her around her head and tried to stay calm for her but my heart was just broken and that's when I broke down more .

  " come on baby let's pray , gimmie your hand " I sniffed with tears still down our faces .

She gave me her hand and we both closed our eyes " god I ask you that you heal both of our pain and hurt that we feel right now . I ask you to make sure my girlfriend remains healthy and the rest of our family and that you watch over our princess-"

  I couldn't even finish without crying . " g-god I want to thank you for trying and for keeping my other half alive . In your name we pray "

" amen " we both said and I looked down but I squeezed her hand every now and then .

" I love you " she whispered and All of a sudden I felt her hand drop from mines and the machines started beeping .

  I stood up so fast as doctors came running in " maya ! Baby w-wake up !" I shouted and two of the doctors started pushing me out the room .

  " please wake up ! Maya!-" I yelled with tears down my face. " sir you need to leave the room , so we can figure out what's going on and save her " the man said and closed the door .

  I sat down in the chair and started getting a FaceTime call from maya's mom .

  I answers it and she immediately noticed all the tears on my face and eyes .

  " lamelo what happens !? Is she okay ? Is the baby okay ? Are you okay !" She asked quickly .

I shook my head letting a couple tears fall . " L-londyn didn't make it daughter I-isn't here !" I cried .

  " oh my god ..oh my god " she sniffed . " where's maya ? How's she doing ?" .

  " s-she's a mess right now just like me . I got to see and talk to her until her machine's started beeping a-and she let go of my hand ." I sniffed .

  " we prayed and cried together a-and what if she doesn't make it ? I-I can't lose her momma " I covered my face with my hands as she started crying cry too .

  " imma continue praying for you guys okay ? Everything's gonna be okay baby okay !?, you listening ?" She sniffed and I nodded my head .

  " it's okay to cry lamelo , but you gotta stay strong for her and for yourself . I'll let you go and pray for y'all" she waved and I told her goodbye .

   I sat in the chair and picked up my phone again and checked the game . We were winning so far so I was thankful for that but I put my phone down instantly and tried not to think about anything.

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