In love🕺🏽💕🛸

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  " AYEEEE HAPPY BIRTHDAYY BROTHERR !!" I shouted over the music too shaqir .

  I gave him a big hug as They all started rapping to some song on the speakers making me laugh .

Mel had been staring at me all night but he told me to leave him alone so that's what I'm doing .

  " where's the liquor at !?!" Qir yelled maligning us laugh. I looked at reef and amirah and they nodded .

  " mom doesn't know about any of this" I told all of them and they nodded .

" no chaser or chaser ?" I asked and he said no chaser . I grabbed vodka and brought it up to him .

" it's gone burn ..letting you know now. " I laughed .
" fuck it !" He said and tilted his head back .

  I poured some and he took that shit like a g . "You done this before " I asked as he swallowed .

  " don't be in my business " he said making us laugh . I went back into the kitchen with the bottle and melo followed me .

He stood in front of me " you done being mad ?" I looked down waiting for him to answer .

  " can you trust me now ?" He crossed his arms and I just stared at him .

" what ?" He asked . " you told me to leave you alone ..that's what I'm doing " I shrugged.

  " when did you take the test ?" He asked but I didn't speak . " maya .. you know I hate when we argue so can you just say something " he said .

  I crossed my arms " I do trust you . But when you like bitch's pictures and then go in private cause someone's calling you right after , I'm gonna be a little suspicious." I said .

  " and I tol-"

" I'm not finished . I took the test once you left out the room, you told me to leave you alone so I did it by myself . And I don't know who that bitch is , but if you wanna keep liking her pictures then go be with her , but I can't guarantee that she's gonna be like me " I told him .

   He grabbed me by the waist and rubbed his thumb across my face . " can we stop arguing now " I sighed with my head down .

  " cant never stay mad at yo fine ass , but yes Bebe we can stop " he kissed my head .

" can I tell you something ?" He whispered in my ear while my head was on his shoulder .

  " hmm?" I hummed . " I-..I'm in love with you " He whispered .

  I lifted my head up and looked at him " I'm in love with you too " I smiled showing my dimples .

" one day .. I hope that test says positive" He said making my heart warm up .

" one day .. not today though " we both laughed. He looked up at me making me smile " what..?!" .

  He shook his head " your beautiful " he moved a piece of hair behind my ear . " thank youuu , stop your gonna make me cry" I hugged him .

" come on let's go back to the living room " .


" melo why do you take so long to park a car " I asked him while laughing.

We just pulled up to the ball estate and it's around 2 in the afternoon.

" gotta get it perfect , cause one of them niggas gone talk about my parking " he laughed .

" is lamelo a good driver ?" Courtney asked me .

" he's good , but he just can't park..he has to do it at least three times " I laughed .

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