Dont care what they think🕺🏽💕🛸

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" let's go melo !!" I cheered while me,zo and gelo were standing up .

He finished running down the court . He pointed at me and winked , he went for a three pointer and made it .

I smiled as everyone cheered for them .
I looked at the time and seen the quarter was about to end . " you guys want any snacks ?" I asked the boys .

" skittles lil bro " Gelo said . I rolled my eyes playfully and went to the concession's.

" oh my god your maya O'Neal!!" . A couple people screamed and I just smiled at them .

" yep !" . I got a Gatorade for melo , skittles for me and another for gelo .

" could we take a picture please !?" .
I nodded my head and we posed together as her friend took the pictures .

I walked back in the gym and seen the game was now over , I waited until melo was done getting turnt with his team . I gave gelo his food and grabbed Melos durag .

He dabbed up his brothers and then gave me a hug .
" stopp, your sweaty melo !" . I groaned and he let me go .

" shut up you love it " . I mugged him .
" boy go hurry up and get changed " . I pushed him a little and he went off with his team .

" you guys like each other don't you..?" Zo asked .
I didn't know what I should tell them .

I sighed "I've always like lamelo ..just didn't know if he liked me back " .

" yess!! If he does , I want a nephew very soon " zo said making me look at him and laugh .
" gelo get your brother " I laughed and walked by the boys locker room and waited for them .


Melo handed me his brush and put his head down .
He really wanted me to brush his waves infront of all these people recording and shit .

I brushed them the correct way and then put his durag on . Fans were screaming,taking pictures of us .
" you ready to go !?" I yelled since it was so loud .
" I'm riding with you , come on !" . He put his arm around me and we walked out to my car .

It was six almost seven o'clock .
We got inside and he connected his phone to the aux .
" you coming roller skating with us tonight ?" He looked over at me .

" I have to stop by the mall to get a outfit, I only packed this one " . I told him .
" come here.." he held the bottom of my chin .

" we can't kiss right here ..there's people with cameras all around us melo." I told him and he threw his head back "ughhh !" .

I laughed at him and turned up the music, since I had my Ferrari, the roof was off so it looked even more cool .

I roared up my engine as everyone outside cheered and recorded .

Melo put his hand on my thigh even tho I'm the driver , I sped off to the mall quickly.

" you tryna kill us or something?" Melo yelled over the music .
" at least we die together!" I looked at him and we both smiled at each other . That's when I knew... he could be the one .
He grabbed my face and kissed me and I kissed back .
" melo ..the people " he cut me off quickly "I don't care about the people " . We made out again until the light turned green .


" let me change real quick then we can leave " . We were in my hotel room now .

I went inside the bathroom and took off my clothes and put on the ones I bought .
  I got dressed and looked at my butt in the mirror , I was very blessed .
( she has jayda cheeves body) .

  I took my hair out a pony tail and combed it to make it look good . I fixed my edges and brushed my teeth.
I walked out and put my shoes on as melo was laying down on his phone .

" you ready ?" He asked . I nodded my head and noticed we were matching a little .
I grabbed my wallet and phone . He put his arm around my shoulder and we walked to the elevator and to the parking lot .

  " you can drive " I tossed him the keys making him smile . " bet !" . He was too excited.
" don't reck my shit melo " I chuckled . He opens my side and I got in and then he did .

I played act up by city girls and turned it up as he backed out and started driving .

I propped my phone up and recorded. " STRIPES ON NY ASS NOW HE CALL THIS PUSSY TIGER" I turned in my seat and started twerking, out of nowhere melo starts slapping my ass while I was still dancing. " AYEE!!" He hyped me up

It just made me even more hype . "Fucking on a scamming ass , rich ass nigga !" I stuck my tongue out and then ended the video .
I posted the video on my snap , people wouldn't think it was melo touching on me cause you could only see his hand .

" I needa put lipgloss on " . I looked in my mirrors and applied some lipgloss .

"Drinking on liquor and I'm looking at yo nigga. !" I rapped in his face making him laugh . He started recording us with his other hand .

I grabbed his chin " if his money right he can eat it like a snicker !" I sung and he smirked at me and then kissed me .

  He saved the video . " I forgot yo ass had on lipgloss" he wiped his lips making me laugh .
For the rest of the ride we just chilled and sung music to each other .


  " melo you can't hold me like that in front of people!" I told him as we were roller skating.

" I don't care what they think , come here" . I skated to him as 'girls need love too' by summer Walker came on .
He wrapped his arms around me as I was in front of him . " tired of Fucking with these lame niggas, I just need a thug " I sung .

He was singing it with me, making me laugh and zo took a picture of us but we weren't mad , to be honest we were just vibing.

I loved being in his arms , it made me feel so safe .
He makes me feel like nobody could hurt me when I'm around him .

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