Draft day🕺🏽💕🛸

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( can I just say ; I still watch edits of him getting drafted and it still feel in real that he's in the nba now cs we all watched him grow up 🥺)

2 weeks later ..

  ( I'm just acting like corona isn't a thing in this book , ok ? Okay ." )

Everyone was standing up except for melo , Tina lavar , zo , gelo , dmo and me .
Tonight was the nba draft and we were about to hear who was next . I was wearing ( outfit above) .
  I was sitting next to Tina and melo was right next to her . I was nervous to find out where lamelo was getting drafted to but at the end of the day I'm proud of him, no matter where he goes .

  " with the third pick of the 2020 nba draft , Charlotte hornets select ; lamelo ball , chino hills " once that was said melo smiled widely and hugged his mom . He mouthed to me ' I love you ' making me smile . " I love you you too " I mouthed .

  Everyone cheered as he dabbed up his dad and dmo . Once they moved on with the other drafts we all got up and moved around and someone started playing some music .

" meloo , I'm so proud of you my love" I hugged him tightly as his family and friends awed at us .
He hugged me tighter " thank you mama " he kissed my cheek multiple times and then gave me a real kiss .
  I fixed his suit and made sure he still looked presentable. He put his arm around me as lavar started speaking . " mannn ! I just wanted to say I'm proud of you melo . I always told my boys they was gone be in the nba one way or another ! " his loud self laughed making us clap .

" can I say something too !" I spoke and everyone turned to me and melo .
" just like lavar said , I'm very proud of you melo . We all watched you grow up and become better everyday . As for being your girlfriend ; there's nothing more that I want to see besides you following your dream and you being happy ." I said and looked up at him and he had wiped under his eye making everyone Aw.

" anyways ! Congratulations and I love you " . He leaned down and we gave each other two kisses .
" I love you too " he hugged me again .
" okay now go be with your brothers and friends , I'll stay over here " I patted his chest .

  " what you mean ? Come wit me " .
" I want you to have fun ! Now go while I hang out with the ladies " I smiled and so did he but it was a ..'I'm really in love with you' smile .
" Ight well be upstairs if you need me " he kissed my temple . " and I'll be down here just in case you start missing me " we both laughed and he gave me one more kiss and went upstairs with the boys .

  " you really love him don't you ?" I heard and quickly turned around to see his grandmas and Tina . I nodded my head and smiled. " yeah.. I really do " I blushed .

  " well that's good . Your what exactly lamelo needs " she says and I just smile .

  " now .. can you tell me the recipe of those brownies you made ? Lamelo wasn't lying when he said they were delicious!" We laughed .
" of course !" I said and we all sat down and started talking .


Currently I'm still at the ball estate, I just got done saying goodbye to his cousins and grandparents.

  All of the guest was now gone and I planned on leaving soon too .
Lavar and Tina were up in their room . " dip said he needs talk to you " gelo said as we both walked into the kitchen to see zo eating the last brownie.
  " yo brownies good as fuck !" He said as he chewed making me laugh . " he upstairs?" I asked gelo and he nodded.
I left out and went up the stairs to Melos room/ now old room . " hey , gelo said you wanted to talk to me ?" I closed his door and sat on his bed .

  He had changed from his suit into some shorts and a t-shirt . " yeah um.." he looked down and that's when I started getting worried.
" w-what ..? Are you breaking up with m-" I asked but he cut me off . " no . Hell no ! I wanted to talk to you about me moving to Charlotte.." he looked up at me .

   I frowned . I totally forgot that he was going to have to move away . " oh.." I said lowly and he put his hand over mines .
" move with me ." He said and my head shot up .
" come with me to Charlotte. You can go to all of my games , still attend college and play basketball there and I can go to you games. We can live together maya " he smiled .

" y-your being serious?  We're only 19 and 18 lamelo , are you sure ?" I bit my lip .

" I'm positive...if you are " he looked at me .
I mean I would be leaving my family but we all leave our family at a point in our life's..I guess mines is now . I don't want us to have a long distance relationship because they don't go good all the time and I think moving away from Cali good be a good decision.

" yeah..I'm positive " I told him .
" so ..we're moving in together? Deadass !?" He smiled making me smile . " yess dead ass melo . We're moving to Charlotte..together , in our own apartme- " I was saying but he interrupted me .

  " apartment!? Baby we buying a house , go big or go home am I right " he said making me laugh .
" I guess we're buying a house than " . He tackled me on the bed making me laugh and I played with his hair . I loved his new hairstyle, it suited him so well and he's gotten so much mature over the weeks and became a changed man .

  " can you give me some babies now that I'm in the nba ?" Melo looked up at me since his heads were laying on my boobs . I laughed " I'm only 18 melo , and no . It's gonna look like I trapped you " I told him and he smacked his lips .
I chuckled " it's also gonna look like I just want your money ..and I don't . Soo your gonna have to wait like two or three years before we have some kids " I told him and he smiled .

" I can wait that long , as long as I got you " he whispered and that made me smile. " I love you " .
" I love you too bebe " I told him and massaged his scalp , making him close his eyes .

" I love you too bebe " I told him and massaged his scalp , making him close his eyes

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