For now🕺🏽💕🛸

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3 weeks later ..

" bye have a nice day !" .

" you too " . I put the food and drinks in the passenger seat .

I had just got back from practice; it was around 6:25 and I also just picked up some Wendy's for me and melo .

I drove home listening to Brent faiyaz and sipping on some of my pink lemonade.

" melo !? " I shouted as I locked the front door and went into the kitchen .

I heard him get off the elevator. " yeah baby ?" He kissed my cheek .

" I brought you some food ..why you dressed up like that ?" I chuckled and gave him his food .

" me and the boys were going out for a little tonight ..." . I think he's expecting me to yell at him or something.

" okay ." I shrugged .

" I'm not going to tell you that you can't go , but you know-"

" yes I know , you don't play none of that " he cut me off . I laughed " period " .

" I'm going to take a shower " I gave him a kiss but of course he pulled me back for more .

I used the elevator and walked into our bathroom . I started the shower and took my hair out a ponytail .

Once the water was hot enough , I got in and relaxed for a couple minutes and then started washing my body and hair, then I went to shaving .


" your leaving now ?" I pouted.
" yeah.I'll be back before you know it mamas " . he kissed my head and grabbed his keys .

" be safe please and don't come home late " I held onto one of his hands .
" I will , don't stay up too late . I love you , gimmie a kiss " . He put his hands around my throat as we kissed .

" I love you too , don't have to much fun !" I shouted and heard him close the door .

I had a really bad feeling about tonight..

4 hours later...

It almost eleven at night and melo still isn't home . I texted his phone and called but he doesn't answer.

I walked into the kitchen and poured myself some wine and sat down on the counter by the sink . I was absolutely bored out of my mind without melo here .

I sipped some of my wine and felt my phone go off repeatedly.

I'm praying it's melo texting me back but it was a couple text from the girls and from insta.

We're so sorry yaya ..🥺

Do you need us to come over ?💕

I was hella confused on what they was talking bout .

What you guys talking about .😭?

You didn't see it yet..?

Ft call , all of us rn !

After I read riah text I FaceTimed the gc .
" heyy yall !" I smiled but they looked so sad .

My phone keeps going off from Instagram though . " you being dead ass maya ?" Mani said and I looked at her confused .

" I literally have no idea what y'all talking about , but my Instagram keep blowing up lemme see what's going on " . I said .

" we're so sorry yaya .." riah said .
I went to insta and updated my feed , the shade rooms post was first and when I read the caption and looked at the pictures I froze .

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