Just friends🕺🏽💕🛸

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   " reef got a little girlfriend?" I cheesed as we sat on the couch .

I made it to my moms house an hour ago and me , my mom , me'arah and Myles were on the couch while the cameras were on us .

  " we don't know but we'll find out once he gets home " my mom laughed .

I played with my phone until she spoke again .
" Whatsup with you and lamelo ..?" . She asked and I covered my face so they wouldn't see me blush .

  The only person who knew I liked him was amirah.
" I don't know what your talking about " I looked at her trying to laugh .

" right what's going on with y'all ? " Myles asked .
" I don't know what you guys are talking about ." I shrugged and laughed .

" I think you guys would be cute together " me'arah said . Mom nodded her head " I think you guys would be cute too...but you guys are just friends ?" She tilted her head .
I laughed " yess we are just friends " I stood up and stretched .  " she knows she can't date anyone " Myles chuckled and I pulled his dreads .

  " well if you guys do date , I want two nephews " me'arah said and walked away . My eyes went wide and I covered my face .

" oh my godd!!!" I yelled as I ran away making them laugh .  I went into shaqir room and charged my phone .

" what you playing ?" . I asked as I sat in one of his bean bags .
" I'm watching highlights on YouTube " . His feet was propped up on his tv stand and he was scrolling through his phone .

  I rolled my eyes . I looked up to his tv and he was watching Melos highlights . I smiled as I thought about him , he had a game tomorrow and it was gonna be a drive , I wish we could ride together but I know it's better for him to be with his teammates.

  " you going to the game tomorrow? " he asked me and I nodded my head .

" bro please let me go with you " . He threw his head back . I laughed " arnt you guys going to dads tomorrow? You gotta ask him " . I played with the ends of my hair .

  I got up "just text me what he says and you can stay the night or I'll pick you up in the morning." I left out his room and went downstairs.

" mama I'm leaving , I got a photoshoot soon " . I gave her a hug .

" alright , you gone be here tomorrow? Me and your aunt are cooking " . She asked me as we walked into the game room where everyone else is .

  " no , I was going to Melos game tomorrow " . Once I said that they all smirked at me .
I know they were about to start asking questions so I hurried up and told everyone goodbye and left out to my car .

I connected my phone to the aux and decided to drive to the ball estate to see what they were doing and then I had to go to my shoot .


  As I walked up to the door I heard voices coming from their big ass backyard so I went by the gate .

I put in the code and went down the stairs as the dogs barked , running up to me .
  " hey deuce!" He jumped on me as I rubbed him making me laugh .

I seen Dmo and gelo shooting around , so was by the pool with zoey and melo was nowhere to be found .

  " ahh we ms.yaya in the building !" Zo yelled .
I laughed and finally made my way to where they were at .
" wassup wassup !" . I hugged them all .
" heyy zoey !" I smiled at her and she held her hands out to me so I gave her a hug .

" whatchu got that hot ass outfit on for ?" Gelo said laughing .
" because I'm comfortable, it ain't that hot out here "
We heard a door open and it was melo..and Ashley?.

I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't just seeing things but she was really there , with red eyes and a red nose .

  " when you get here yaya ?" He asked and came up to give me a hug . " a couple minutes ago ..but you seem like you were busy .." I was kinda sad to see that they were even together after he claimed to everyone that he was done with her .

" nah she was jus- your maya O'Neal?" He was cut off by her . I looked at her " yea I am , and your Ashley ." She mugged me " this is the bitch you left me for lamelo !?" She started getting loud.

" girl I don't even got time to argue with you today , watch that bitch word cause I'm not the one " . I told her straight up .

" bro chill the fuck out . It don't matter who I'm messing with cause we ain't together " he told her and she rolled her eyes .
" bounce !" Gelo said and she walked past me while looking me up and down .

  I bucked at her making her jump . " that's what I thought " I mumbled and turned my way back to melo .

  "Y'all are back together?" I tilted my head .
He smacked his lips "nah bro , she came to get the rest of her stuff " . He wrapped his hand around my shoulder and we sat down on of the chairs by the pool .

" I can't stay long , I got a shoot to go to " . I told them .
  " you coming to dips game tomorrow?" Dmo asked he played with the dogs .

  " no I can't , I wish " . I lied to them , I decided I wanted to surprise him .


  " I'll see y'all tomorrow !" . I hugged everyone .
" I'll walk you " . Melo said and the boys looked at us suspicious but I ignored it .

We walked up the stairs and I got in my car .
He bent down and looked at me " you know me and Ashley arnt a thing right ?" . I nodded my head .

" even if y'all were , it's none of my business " I chuckled while looking at my hair in my mirror .

  " girl " he smacked his lips .
" you really can't come to my game tomorrow?" . He sounded so sad I wanted to say I was playing but I stuck to the surprise.

  " no I can't , I'm with my dad tomorrow " I gave him a sad face . "It's aight , I'll see you whenever " .

He put his hand on my chin and leaned in , pecking my lips . We kissed a couple times " okay melo I gotta go , love you " I laughed .

  He smiled " aight , love you to yaya !" . I pulled out the driveway and headed to my photoshoot.

 I pulled out the driveway and headed to my photoshoot

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