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  " I know i can leave anytime but your here early " maya chuckled .

  It's been two days and she was finally able to go home . I haven't even been home yet , I stayed with her for these past days .

The team had came by yesterday to check on us and also to bring me and maya some clothes .

" it's 6 in the afternoon plus I can't wait for us to finally go home " I rubbed my face and helped her sit down on the edge of the bed .

" arnt you supposed to be at practice or something?" She asked me and I tilted my head at her .

  " stop tryna avoid the fact that we have to get in the car , it's gonna happen anyway " I told her and she looked and me and scratched her head .

  " I'm trying to avoid it because the last time I got in a car , the car flipped over killing our child and me ending up in a hospital. So yea , I'm trying to avoid it as much as I can " she told me strictly and rubbed her watery eyes .

  I squatted down in front of her and grabbed her hands ." I'm sorry , I'm sorry . I wish I could take your pain away ..but your safe with me , you know this " I caressed her cheek .

  " I know it's gonna be hard but it's gonna have to happen sooner or later Bebe, but I'm here right with you and I'm not gonna let anything happy okay ?" I stood up and she nodded her .

  She stood up but I kept my hand on her back just in case . I grabbed her bag and her phone .

We made sure we had everything and left out to the car . I opened the door for her as she hesitated to get in .

She looked at me and I nodded at her " you got it , you already made it out the hospital; your doing good " I told her and she gave me a smile .

  She sat down slowly and I closed the door . I hurried to the other side and got in . I started the car up "do you wanna listen to any music ?" I handed her my phone but she shook her head .

I backed out of the parking lot and headed on the rode . As I was about to go pass the green light she tensed up a bit .

  I grabbed her hand and squeezed it . " melo put your hand on the steering wheel " she told me .

" baby you know I can drive with one han-"

" lamelo !" She looked at me so I instantly put my hand back . " sorry.." I said lowly .

" no i am just scares me a little " she said . I held my hand out slowly in front of her .

  " you trust me ?" I asked her and she nodded her head. She put her hand in mines " just take a deep breath ma , I got us " I squeezed her hand .


  We made it home safely and maya went upstairs somewhere. " baby !?" I yelled .

I ran up the stairs into our room but she wasn't in there . I heard something moving around in one of the rooms though .

I walked in and seen her in the nursery closet holding the 3D picture of me kissing her stomach .

She was smiling but crying a little at the same time . I went up to her and hugged her as she hugged me back tighter .

  " let it all out mama " I rubbed her back softly. " if I just stayed home that nigh-"

  " Unt uh ! DO NOT blame yourself for this you hear me ?" I held her face as she looked at me .

" you protected our baby with everything in you . This isn't your fault , I don't wanna hear any of that okay ?" I told her and she nodded .

  I don't know who's better at hiding their emotions , me or maya . Deep down I'm hurt inside bad , shit feels like I'm broken and can't be fixed . But I can't show that to maya , I want to make sure she's good before she has to worry about me .. even if that means I have to suffer .

  " you look tired , go take a nap and I'll make us something to eat " I pushed a peice of hair behind her ear.

  " your gonna burn down the house " She giggled making me smile , I missed her laugh so much .

" I'm a good cooker what you talking about !? " . " I'll order us something instead.. just in case I might actually burn the house down " we both laughed .

  I lead her to our room and she laid down . I put the covers over her and closed the curtains .

  I sat down next to her and grabbed my phone but she grabbed my hand . " can you sleep with me ? Then we could order later ?" She said her little baby voice .

" yeah " I kissed her forehead and got up. I took my shirt off and got under the covers with her .

I wrapped my arms around her gently making us spoon together . I kissed her neck lightly " I love you " I whispered .

  " I love you more " she said tiredly and then we both drifted off to deep sleep , wrapped in each other's arms feeling at peace again for once .


  Yall done crying 🙄? I thought y'all was some thugs is this .😭😭😭✋🏽 I'm most likely dropping the Mikey book tn tho😛 , anyways lemme get back to school child . 😐

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