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  " lamelo.. t-this is our house ?" I looked at him with wide eyes . He nodded " yea , this is ours " he wrapped his arm around me .

 He nodded " yea , this is ours " he wrapped his arm around me

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  " this is crazy.. can we go look inside ?" I smiled and he nodded his head . I grabbed his hand and we walked inside together and put our bags down .

I looked up and my eyes went wide , the house was perfect and melo already had it furnished .
" you like I-" he was saying but I cut him off by hugging him . " I love it " I smiled making him laugh . " aight let's go put our stuff away " he gave me a kiss and we went up the big stairs and he lead me to our room .

  My eyes went wide again " wow..." I whispered and saw a large portrait picture of us above the bed .
" aww , melo " I cried and he came up to hug me . " thank you for all of this " I looked up at him . " you ain't gotta thank me mama , this ours now " he gave me a kiss .

   We put our clothes away and all of our other stuff was delivered to hours after we arrived .
I wanted us to go grocery shopping together but he was saying he was just going to have his assistant do it . He just got out the shower and I'm out in the back looking at the backyard .

I felt hands wrap around my waist and a kiss on my cheek . " whatchu doin ?" Melo asked .
I turned around and faced him " nothing.. you look nice " I smiled and ran my hands down his shirt .

" you know I gotta show out bae " he cheesed .
" mhmm betta not be for no otha girl " I tilted my head making him smack his lips and pull me closer to him . " it's only you ma know dis " he kissed me and squeezed my ass . " arnt you gonna be late ?" I pulled away and chuckled . " yeah . I'll see you later " he kissed my temple and I hugged him ,

  " be safe , I love you " I let him go .
" I love you too " he left back inside and out to the front and left .  I had nothing to do so I decided to go play some ball at the college gym .
  Did I tell y'all that I was accepted into the college !? Even though it's the middle of the season they still let me play basketball . I went inside and went into my closet and changed into a black sports bra and then put my Nike sweater over .

  I put on some black basketball shorts but rolled them up and had some white compression pants under . I put my hair up and grabbed my keys , water bottle and AirPods and left out , making sure I locked all the doors .

   I got in my Tesla and drove to the gym with dababy playing through the radio .

  I walked inside and put my AirPods in as I saw some of the girls from the team

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  I walked inside and put my AirPods in as I saw some of the girls from the team .
" wassup maya !" Imani bro hugged me , I swear she's a whole boy . I laughed " heyy mani " .

" you came to shoot some hoops ?" She asked as she dribbled her Ball around .

" yeah , I aint have none else to do " we both chuckled . We talked a little bit more and then she went to go run some suicides .

I played my music and took my sweater off . I grabbed a ball and started practicing more on my dribbling then I started doing three pointers and then to layups . " that girl maya O'Neal goated !" Mariah shouted making me laugh .

" you know I do a lil sum " I brushed my shoulders off as a joke making em laugh .

They both walked up to me " she been wit melo for so long , she finna become the next him " imani laughed . " hey I'm a good player..but if I was the girl version of melo-" I was saying but Mariah cut me off .

" girl you already the girl version of him , especially if y'all been dating for a while " she said making us laugh . " I'm really cold like that ..?" I asked them and they nodded .

" hell yeah ! " imani said making me smile .
" now tell me..yo brother shareef single ?" Imani smirked and Mariah died of laughter .

" you think my brother cute ? Girl I'll tell him to text you , he been single for too long " I laughed .

She started doing a little dance until Mariah threw the ball at her head . " stop dancing " she said and I tried not to laugh .

" girl that shit hurted " imani said while tuning the back of her head . " y'all are to much for me . But what y'all doing later ? We can chill at my house " I said while dribbling the ball in between my legs .

" awww you want me to go to yo house bae " Mariah smirked. Mariah was gay but she like flirting with me for fun even though she like somebody , I can't with this girl .

(Maya met the team a couple days before her and melo moved down to Charlotte, also they knew each other from insta )

" don't say that infront of melo , he might kick you wit his long ass legs " mani said as she sat down.

" not to much on my man girl , reef got long ass longs too " me and Mariah laughed .

" shut upp , he still fine " imani said while sticking her tongue out . " ewwww" I scrunched my face up .

" I gotta go back to my dorm and take a shower , send me the addy though . " imani got up and put the ball back . " me too bae " Mariah said making mani laugh .

" girl if you don't stop " she threw the ball at Mariah making me bust out laughing. " hell naww ! I'll see y'all later man " . I said and we all did a lil handshake.

I got all my stuff and got in my car .
I started playing my music and drove back home .

I started playing my music and drove back home

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" maya !?" I heard as I locked the door .
" yeah it's me !" I yelled back and melo came out from the kitchen . " I was wondering where you went " he gave me a kiss .

" you was at the gym?" He asked and I nodded my head . I took my sweater off " yeah at the school, I went to go hoop for a lil " I said .

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