Anger issues 🕺🏽💕🛸

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3 month later

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3 month later ..

" what jersey you get ? " melo asked me.
I had just got back from basketball and me and melo were now sitting down eating lunch .

" number one duh " I laughed . The camera for ball in the family were with us because and I did start my YouTube Chanel back so I would be vlogging soon .

" you gonna grow your hair out or keep it in waves ?" I asked him while taking a fuzz off of his hair . " ima grow it out and probably have it in twist , I don't know yet " he leaned back in his chair and drunk his pink lemonade, making me laugh .

" wait , c'mere " I said and he sat up and leaned forward. One of his buttons on his hurt wasn't buttoned and was showing his chest.

I buttoned it up and then rested my head on my wrist . Melo copied me making me laugh " so.. when I start college and basketball, what are we going to do ..? " I asked him .

" whatchu mean ? We'll continue doing what we do now " he said as he held my hand .

" are you afraid that you and Melos relationship will change once you start college ?" Courtney asked .

Melo was sitting next to me " yeah. I mean he's usually busy and I'm gonna have school most of the time while he has basketball." I spoke .
" melo how do you feel ?" She asked but he leaned his head on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around my one arm , getting comfortable. " we're gonna be fine " he said while still laying on my shoulder making me laugh .

" so your not worried..? What if -" I was talking but he interrupted.
  " baby ? Of course we both gone be a lil busy but we got this . Stop stressing about it ...fina get gray hairs" we both laughed .

" c'mere " he leaned forward and I gave him a kiss .
" when is your first game ?" He asked while playing with my bracelet.
" in four days , I'm excited though and ready to drop 60 points ..maybe more " I smiled .

  " you definitely can drop more than 60 , you know this " he laughed . " if your there then I'll aim for 90 , probably beat your record " I smirked .

" I'm always at your games but you wanna beat my record..? Go ahead give it a try " he laughed .
" I'm being serious melo " I rolled my eyes .
  " stop getting an attitude " . He told me sternly
" I don't have one " . I said . " you about to have one now " .

  " boy- no I'm not , shut up ". I mugged him .
He leaned back in his chair " see look, you got a attitude " he spoke while brushing his waves and I snatched the brush from him .
" stop brushing your hair every five minutes " I said .

   " why would you- bro c'mon " he stood up .
I put money on the table and stood up also.
He walked faster than me to his car and tried to get in but I stood in front of the drivers door .

   " mayaa... come on bro it's hot out here" he groaned . I wrapped my arms around his sides " can you give me a kiss first " I pouted .

  " no since you wanna take my brush " He looked down at me .
" I'm sorry Bebe " I poked my bottom lip out and started kissing his chin and up to his lips.
" put your head down" I told him and he did.
I grabbed his brush and brushed his waves for him .
" happy now ?" I asked . He gave me a kiss " now give me my brush " he took it out of my hands making me roll my eyes again .

  " maya ." He said sternly .
I ignored him and got in on my side of his car . He got in too and just stared at me .
" I loveee you " he said . He grabbed my throat " I said I love yo sexy ass " he whispered in my ear making me smirk a Little.
I looked at him " I love you too ugly boy " I smiled .
" baby you know I'm fine as fuck , I ain't no ugly nigga " he smacked his teeth making me laugh .
  " you right, my baby fine as fuck " I sat up and kissed all over his face .

He kissed me back and connected his phone to the car . He gave me his phone to search for a song , it showed that he got a new text message from Ashley.

I arched my eyebrow . " Bebe .." I said .
He started driving " mhm ? Why you not playing music ?" . He asked .
I read what her text said and then looked at melo , I swear I didn't know if I should kill him now or later .
" what..?" He looked at me .
" heyy melo bear , when can I see you again " I said in Ashley's high ass voice , that's what her text said .

He laughed " ma why is you talking like that ?" .
" that's how Ashley talks " . I said and he looked at me and snatched his phone but I snatched it right back .
I held it close to the window , showing him I'll throw it out . He already know ion play dat .
  " why the fuck is Ashley texting you " I asked in the most calm way but my leg started tapping ,I may have a little anger issues.
" yaya give me my phone " he reached for it and I rolled down the window . " answer my question " .
" bro I swear to god-" he spoke but I cut him off .
" I'll throw your phone out the window with no hesitation, answer my question lamelo !" I started getting loud .

  " I don't know why she's texting me bro , give me my shit " he mugged me .
He stopped at a red light. " so why is she talking about when's the next time she can see you ?!" I yelled.  " I just told you I don't know man, give me my phone !" He shouted back .
" you said you want me to drop your phone !?" I fake dropped his phone but I caught it .
I threw his phone at him . " take me home . Go be with Ashley " I said and stared out the window .

  " maya . " I didn't answer him and kept my head towards the window. I started overthinking that he was cheating on me which made a tear fall down my cheek but I didn't bother wiping it .

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