chapter six

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After dinner, Pansy and I walked out of the great hall eager to get to our dorms. Once we got to the dungeons Pansy whispered the password to get in, "Pureblood."  She said ever so proudly. I rolled my eyes and chuckled a bit before walking in. 

When we were inside, everything looked the same as before. Still dark and gloomy, I am non of these things, but I was sorted into slytherin probably because my parents where both slytherines. At least that's what my mother says. She says that I am really like all the houses. She says that I am cunning like a slytherin, kind like a huffelpuff, smart like a ravenclaw, and she says that I am much braver in my head then out. 

Anyways, I swallow looking at the ugly common room and go upstairs to my dorm. Pansy and I share a dorm. We both walked in and it was just as grim as the common room. Sense it is my dorm, I like to make it more fun and Pansy always likes to help. She says that she doesn't mind the original dorm, but that she loves it after we are threw with it. Honestly all we do is decorate. My room back home is much more bright than what this turns out to be, but with a roommate I want to make it a cozy happy place for everyone. Pansy says that I should be on a show for decorating homes. 

We finished decorating and putting all of our things away. I organized my dresser and closet. I also set up Athena's area. It was getting pretty late, but we promised the boys that we would meet them in the common room when we were done to talk or play a game or something. We have been doing this sense first year, it was Pansy's idea and everyone acts like they hate it though I don't think they do. But before we went down stairs I Pansy and I decided that we wanted to put on some cozy clothes and get a couple of snacks. I always stash up on snacks when I come to Hogwarts so I can have my midnight cookies or goldfish. 

I changed into a comfy fit and so did Pansy

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I changed into a comfy fit and so did Pansy. Then she grabbed a bag of popcorn from my stash and I grabbed 4 cokes for everyone. I put my hair in a messy bun and we walked down stairs.

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