chapter four

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Once we arrived at Hogwarts, I gathered all of my stuff that I took with me into the compartment. Then, we waited for the 3rd years to be called out to leave the train. As we waited I just looked down at my feet. I felt someone staring at me still. I wondered who it was but then Pansy said something that made it all clear, "y/n I love your hair I can't stop staring at it." I sighed in relief I thought I was going crazy thinking that someone was staring at me. I know I could've looked up, but I was nervous that if I did it would just be weird. "Oh thanks Pans." I said in a happy voice. "Yeah of course I think that Draco can't stop staring at it either." She said smugly smirking at Draco who was now blushing in embarrassment.

"Wha-what?" I asked confused. So she wasn't the one staring the whole time Draco was. Maybe, I don't know that wouldn't make any sense. "Yeah seems like Draco can't take his eyes off of you." she said still eyeing Draco. "Shut up Parkinson no I wasn't." he said annoyed. "Hate to break it to you mate, but yeah you were." Blaise started. "I asked you why earlier on the train, but y/n over here saved your butt from answering me." He said. Draco was about to say something but I then heard third years being called. This was too much for me so I just walked out of the compartment and off the train slightly embarrassed.

I don't really like attention. I would much rather prefer to sit by and let everyone else take the leads in life. So when people start talking about me or make a big deal about something that involves me, I kinda shut down and get embarrassed.

As we approached Hogwarts I kinda just brushed off what happened on the train. I'm sure it wasn't a big deal. Once we finally got there I sighed wishing I was back in Paris for summer break. But, I swallowed that thought and had to remind myself that I would hopefully be back soon. I walked to the great hall with the rest of the students. Once I was in the great hall I took a seat around where Daphne Greengrass was sitting. I was waiting for Pansy, Blaise, and Draco to walk in so we could all eat together. Sure enough they did. Draco did not look happy,  Blaise and  Pansy on the other hand where laughing hard. Pansy came over and took a seat next to me while Draco and Blaise sat across from me. I pulled out my book that I had started earlier that day and was almost finished with. 

stuck with you- draco malfoy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now