chapter two

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"nous devons partir!, nous devons partir!" I heard Lilia yelling 'we have to go' in french, in a panic. "Relax Lil we will make it there on time I swear on it." Though I was crossing my fingers that we wouldn't. She grabbed my arm and apparated us there. She handed me my bags and  my cat Athena that I have had since 1st year. Then she gave me a kiss on the forehead and hugged me. "till next time princesses." she said sweetly. I pulled away from the hug and said, "yes, and I promise that I will owl you if anything drastic happens that you would find entertaining." I smiled at her and she smiled and nodded. My parents both worked and traveled a lot so most of the time all I had for company in my houses where the help. Though I considered them family, especially Lilia. I spent the most time on my breaks in France. "Bye y/n/n!" she said to me with a warm smile, "Bye Lil" I said back returning the smile as I walked in between platforms 9 and 10 to get to platform  93/4. 

Once I was there nothing had changed sense when I left for the summer. Except everyone looked older and the new first years were as frantic as ever. I looked older too I guess my hair was longer, I had grown into my body and face a bit more, and I guess you could say I looked prettier that's what Lilia kept telling me. Maybe I did look better than before but, I've never really considered myself a beauty. 

I walked on the train and carried my little backpack filled with the snacks Lilia had packed for me, along with a couple books that didn't fit in with the rest of them in my suitcase, and of course my wand. Then in my other hand was Athena. I walked to the back of the train to find an empty compartment to sit in. Me and my friends usually sit in the back to avoid any huge crowds walking by annoying us. 

Once I found one I walked in sat my cat next to me and put my bag at the top of the compartment, but not before I pulled out a book. I sat back down as I heard the train begging to fill up. I started to read when I heard a voice I knew all to well, "y/n y/l/n is that you." the voice said in a excited way. I looked up to see Pansy Parkinson my best friend since 1st year. "Hey Pans!" I said getting up, closing my book,  and giving her a hug. "You look stunning as always!" She told me, "Why thank you, you look lovely yourself." I told her. She smiled and sat across from me. She started to talk my ear off while I opened my book up and started to read picking up small pieces on what she was blabbering on about. 

After a couple minutes of Pansy talking her mouth off and me just smiling and shaking my head listening to her. I heard a knock on the door as it opened. "Blaise!" Pansy yelled and attacked him with a hug that almost made him fall to the ground. I giggled as he regained his balance and he laughed it off. Just then I saw a familiar blond walk into the compartment. "What are you morons laughing about." He walked in but then stopped in awe for a second when he saw me. He was staring at me very weirdly. "Draco you good?" Blaise asked. "oh yea yea I'm fine why wouldn't I be?" Blaise shrugged while looking at him suspiciously. 

He sat down next to me and I opened my book back up as Pansy continued to talk all about her summer. I felt eyes on me occasionally, but just brushed it off.  It was weird though cause I knew it was Draco. I am going to admit something I will try to take with me to my grave, but.. okay here it goes Draco Malfoy looked cute. His hair wasn't so slicked back and he had grown into his face more. Anyways it's not a big deal though. right?

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