chapter sixteen

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The next morning, I woke up with a slight headache. I probably was just stressed about classes or something. I got out of bed and Pansy was still asleep. We had about an hour and a half until breakfast started, and Pansy doesn't take a lot of time to get ready. So, I decided I would just wait to wake her up. 

I quietly walked to the bathroom with my uniform. I think that one of my least favorite things about school is that I don't get to pick out my own clothes. I love fashion, and always have, but here I don't get to wear whatever I want. Well, I hate that and waking up early. I put on my skirt, a white collared shirt and a slytherin sweater. Then, I did my everyday makeup and started on my hair. Sense I don't get to do a lot with fashion, I try to still be creative with my hair. Also, when I was little, my mother would never let me go out in public without me looking 'perfect to a tea' she would say incessantly.

My curls were loose and I was too lazy to re-curl them, so i just touched up my curtain bangs and added some baby braids in a couple spots in my hair. I put on my jewelry and some perfume. Then, I walked out of the bathroom and woke Pansy up. I still had a headache, but I just hoped that once I ate something it would go away.

I put on my shoes, grabbed my robe and my bag. Then I looked at my self in the mirror before averting my eyes in disgust. I held my head with my hand as it was now pounding and went down stairs. 

I went and sat in the couch in the common room. No one was in the common room yet, as we still had about an hour until breakfast. So, I grabbed a book from my bag, 'The Sun Also Rises', and started reading. I started this book last night and really enjoyed it. I liked how it jumped from different characters perspectives and from different spots in time. But, this morning however, my eyes couldn't focus on the words and my head felt like it was going to explode.

"Hey y/n/n!" Pansy said behind me. I jumped as I was too caught up in "reading" and my thoughts to notice anything. "Wow, you good?" Enzo asked walking out of his room with Theo. "Oh, yea just got a little spooked, that's all." I said smiling at him. Then out of no where, "Boo!!" Blaise came from behind me causing me to yelp. "Blaise you ass!" I yelled at him as my heart was now pounding as hard as my head. "Someone's cranky." He said as he sat down next to me and put his arm around me. I shoved it off and glared at him. 

"She was probably up all night thinking about Ced-" I hit Pansy in the arm before she could finish that sentence. 'God, why was everyone being such an ass today.' "Um actually I got a great night sleep, it's just the people I'm surrounded by who are annoying me." I said annoyed as I got up and walked out of the common room.

I wasn't mad at them I just needed some air, so I went outside and tried to clear my mind. The sun was still rising which reminded me that I left my book in the common room. "Shit." I say exhausted as I put my hands threw my hair. "Wow y/l/n curses?" I heard a familiar voice say behind me.


hiii i hope that you enjoyed this chapter! sorry if it was bad or if i messed up. lmk if u have any suggestions and thanks for reading!

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