chapter twenty-one

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I went down to the great hall for dinner. I sat next to Pansy, "Hurry!" She whispered to me. "Why?" I asked her. "We have to get you readyyyy!" She said in a quite sing-song voice. I laughed at her and grabbed some salad. I ate while I read and as soon as Pansy was done scarfing down her food, "Wow look at the time I am just exhausted aren't you y/n?" She said loudly so all of our friends could hear. "I mean I guess." I said confused. "Oh well dinner was GREAT, but we should probably go to bed." She got up and pulled my arm causing me to almost fall. "Ow Pans!" I yelled. "Come on!  Come on!" She said pulling my arm out of the Great Hall and all the way to the common room. 

Once we got in, we went up to our dorm and she told me to sit on m bed. Then, she went to the bathroom and came back out with a huge bag filled with makeup. "I've been waiting for a moment like this. My very own model!" She said excited. "Wow Pans, tone it down with the crazy please." She smiled and began her work.

She did more makeup then I usually do, but it looked good. "Okay! Outfit time!" She said. While she was making a mess of my closet I went to the bathroom and put some soft curls in my hair.  Once I was done she came in with a black slip dress and some plain black heals. Then, she handed me a silver necklace with a red ruby on it and some earnings that matched the necklace. I put it on and looked in the mirror. Pansy did a great job, but I looked still weird because I still looked like me. Cedric probably asked me out of pity. 

I walked out of the bathroom with a half smile on my face. I mean Pansy definitely knew how to do a party look:

 I mean Pansy definitely knew how to do a party look:

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something like this

"Oh my God!" She said to me. "That bad huh?" I asked. "What, no, you look HOT!" She said. I laughed, "What I do not." I said. "Oh yes you do." I shook my head. "Oh come on your prince will be here any second!" She said in between giggles. "Okay, I'll meet you down stairs." I said and went to grab a black purse. I grabbed a book and my wand and put that in the purse. I took one more look at myself and took a deep breathe, then I walked down stairs.


thank you so much for readinggg! sorry if i messed or if it wasn't good. lmk if u have any suggestions, and please vote if you liked it, but no pressure!

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