chapter twenty-five

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About four weeks had passed sense the party, that and my blow up at Draco. I felt embarrassed the next day but before I could apologize about it he did. Not around anyone of course. But, things were still weird and I felt bad. It wasn't an amazing apology or anything, and when i tried to apologize as well he just walked away saying 'whatever it's fine.' 

Cedric and I had hung out a couple times after school, and he walked me too almost every meal. He was nice, which I liked, and I was getting to know him better. Pansy made me tell her everything with Cedric and she died every time saying things like "he loves youuu!", "here comes the bride!" and other silly things like that. Which would always result in me hitting her with a pillow.

Anyways, today was Saturday and I woke up excited because we are going to Hogsmade. I got up and went to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup. Then I picked out a fit to wear to Hogsmade.

 Then I picked out a fit to wear to Hogsmade

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I picked out this. Then, I went out of the bathroom to grab a book and a bag to bring with me. "Oh my gosh! Stop being the hottest person ever!" Pansy said when she saw me. "Oh shut up Pans, we both know that title belongs to you!" I told her laughing. "Oh, yeah right." She said sarcastically. I picked out The Fashionable Mind  by Kennedy Fraser. I think that my dream job would be something in fashion. I love it! I like picking out outfits, shopping and reading about fashion. 

I walked downstairs and all the boys were downstairs already. "Ready boys?" I asked them, once I reached the bottom of the stairs. I will be honest I have gotten out of my shell a little sense that party. I felt more comfortable talking to my friends and I had gotten closer with Enzo and Theo. Enzo came up behind me and hugged me around my neck, "Hey cutie, what's up?" Enzo said. "Not much bud." I said laughing. I heard Draco scoff. He had been doing that almost any time anyone except Pansy said something nice to me. I just looked at him and rolled my eyes. "You look hot." Theo said chuckling. I started laughing. "She always does." Pansy said behind me walking down the stairs.

 "Ready?" Pansy asked everyone. They all nodded except for Draco. "No, I think I'm just gonna stay here." Draco said. He was brooding a lot recently which was really annoying, but he was still my friend. "Come on Dray, please." I said in a begging voice. "Why do you care y/l/n?" He asked me confused. "You have been all sad recently and I don't know I feel bad." I said trying to say the right thing. "Well don't do me any favors." He said annoyed. I just scoffed and said, "Fine. I won't." He looked up from his book to look at me surprised. I moved Enzos arms off me and said, "Pans, I'm gonna go find Ced. Meet me outside when you guys are ready, and try not to bring the buzz kill." Draco kept staring at me, but I didn't care. I was trying to be nice, but I guess he just doesn't want to be my friend.

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