chapter nineteen

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I looked up at him and smiled. "So what are you in such a rush for anyways y/l/n?" He said as he helped me up from the ground. "Oh he remembers my name?" He smiled and looked down, "Never forget a pretty face." I laughed and said, "I was just heading up to do some work." He looked at me and said, "Behind?" I smiled, "No, but I will be." We just stood there for a couple seconds in silence. "Well, I should probably get going." I said with a smile and began walking off. "Yeah, probably," he started, "but, before you do." I looked back at him in question. "Well you see, there is this 'Back to School' party that Griffindoor through's every year." I've heard of this party, but I have never been.

I have never really been into parties. I mean besides birthday's and when my older friends back in France decide to drag me to some. But, I always end up reading and then making sure their drunken bodies get back safe.

"Well, I was wondering, if it's not to big of an inconvenience if you wanted to come with me to the party?" He asked kindly. "It's on Friday after classes and dinner." He said. I looked at him and said, "Isn't that after curfew?" 

"Well, yeah. But, don't Slytherins like to break the rules." I looked at him and laughed, "Well we are not very brave. I mean sure, some like to break the rules occasionally, but free of risks. We are not like Griffindoor who just do things regardless of thinking about if they will get caught or not." As I  rambled on he started to laugh and I stopped, "What?" I said laughing a little, but still a little offended. "No, no sorry it's just um... well you're cute when you talk like that, that's all." He said shyly. I looked down at my feet and then realized that I really do need to go if I'm going to get my work done. "Will you make sure I won't get in trouble?" I ask looking back up at his face. "Already got a Prefect on it." He said confidently. "A Prefect?" I ask. "Yep." I look at him surprised, "What? You know Slytherins aren't the only ones who like to break rules." He said mockingly. "Well, I don't normally do parties, but sure I'd love to go with you Cedric Diggory."

"Then it's a date y/n y/l/n!" I smiled at him and turned around and started to walk back to my dorm.

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