chapter twenty-three (party)

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We walked down the halls to get to the Griffindoor common room. Once we got there, the prefect said the password. The door opened slowly. "After you, Ms.y/l/n," Cedric said to me all gentlemen like. "Why thank you, Mr.Diggory," I said with a slight laugh, mocking him, while I walked in.

When I fully walked in the music was blasting and everyone was talking, dancing or snogging. I looked around the room with curious eyes. I had never been to a Hogwarts party, let alone been in any other common room besides the Slytherin common room. 

"Like anything you see?" Cedric said behind me as he put his hands on my shoulders. I turned my head around to look at him and said, "It's so much.. brighter." He laughed and pulled my arm. "Come over here!" He said and I followed him allowing him to lead the way. We walked over to some Griffindoors. The Weasley twins to be exact. 

"Hi Fred, hi George." Cedric said all friendly. "Hi Diggory." They said in sync. "Who's your friend?" One of them asked and the other one looked at me. I really couldn't tell the difference between them. "Oh, this is y/n y/l/n." I put my hand out and said "Hi." kindly. They each looked at my hand weirdly and then they each shook it. "You don't go to parties often do you y/l/n?" One of them asked me. I laughed, "What makes you say that?" I asked. "Oh we can just tell." The other one said, "and the handshake made it obvious." he laughed. "Oh." I laughed slightly embarrassed. "Well, don't be embarrassed, you're a only a third year and you're a slytherin so the odds are kinda against you there." Cedric said as he put his hand on my shoulder. 

I didn't realize that it was such a social problem to be a slytherin. I mean I have seen plenty of them going to parties. And, well, of course they were older, but they still went. I felt bad like I was going to be no fun. So, I decided to take a page out of my friends, back in Frances, book. They would drink and enjoy themselves.  But, I am still me and I just can't let go and be that party girl. "So boys," I started and they looked at me surprised. "How should I act? I mean there has to be hope that I can ya know become a party person." I said looking at them hopefully.

"Well we can help you there." One of them said with a smirk. I smiled and was about to say something, but then Cedric looked over at me and said, "No, y/n I don't think that is who you are." I looked at him confused, "What do you mean, sorry am I not being fun?" I said going back to my shy mumble voice. "Oh, no y/n you're loads of fun, but I think you should just be yourself."

I looked up at him, "Well, I will be, but me isn't good enough for a party. So, show me boys." I said looking over to Fred and George. "Excellent!" They both said at the same time. "Come over here y/n." One of them said. "We will show you the way!" The other one finished. "Coming?" I said to Cedric. "Yeah, yeah." He said a bit annoyed. 

They walked us over to a table with a ton of drinks. "So, first stop," George started, "Refreshments," Fred, I think, finished. "Okay, so what should I have?" I asked. One of the Weasley boys was about to start, but then Cedric intervened, "lemonade is pretty good y/l/n!" I looked at him annoyed. "I know what alcohol is and I have even had some before." I said with a sarcastic tone. "Really?" He said. "Yes, Cedric. I have had many mimosas and glasses of champagne... oh and I have had a merlot, though I didn't really like it but still." I said. "Oh, so you're like rich?" One of the boys asked me. 

"What? No I mean, whatever. It doesn't matter, what should I drink?" I asked a little annoyed. "I suggest the punch." One of them said. "Oh come on I can drink, really." I said. "Spiked punch." The other one said. "Oh, okay then I'll give it a try." I said with a smile. "Come one y/n you don't have to." Cedric said concerned. "Look Diggory it's just alcohol. Everyone is drinking it, and now I won't be so... stuck up." He looked down as one of the boys handed me a drink. "Alright." He said slightly disappointed. 

I  took a sip and coughed a little. The boys laughed. "Shush shush." I said laughing a little. "I'm gonna go bump into people." I said confidently still coughing a little. "What movie did you learn the phrase from." Cedric asked me with his hands in his pockets laughing a little. "No where." I said not so convincingly. He looked at me with his eyebrow raised, "Okay, fine. Clueless." He laughed as I walked off.

About four or so drinks later, well I don't know I stopped counting after my eyes became blurry, I was having a great time. I had found a couple boys who danced with me very willingly and some girl to take shots with. I walked over to Fred and said, "Hi Fred, hey you know what's funny? This whole night I couldn't tell which one of you was, ya know, which one of you, and now I can." I said laughing. "Enjoying yourself are we?" He asked laughing at me. "Oh yea! Where is Cedric?" I asked him. "Right over there darling." He said to me pointing over to Cedric laughing at me as a looked over at him and stumbled. "Haha, okay well thanks George." I said patting him on the shoulder. "It's Fred darling." He said laughing. I laughed and walked towards Cedric a stumbling.

Once I made it over to him I said, "Hi, Cedric." All loud trying to talk over the music. He laughed, "Hi cutie, have one drink too many?" He said. "No no I had not a lot really i-i swear." I said. Then I lost my balance and fell on him a little. He helped me regain my balance and said, "Yeah, whatever you say y/l/n." I looked at him and pushed my strap that was falling down up. "Sorry." I said a little embarrassed. I kinda realized I was acting strange and didn't like it. "Ready to go?" He asked me picking my chin up to look at me. "Yeah. Wait where's my purse." I said looking everywhere. "I have it, come on let's go Miss. y/l/n." I smiled at him and took his hand. "Okay Mr. Diggory." 

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