chapter nine

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Pansy soon after, walked down the stairs. She brook the awkward silence that lingered in the air. "Hey guys, what's going on here?" she said eyeing Draco. "umm nothing, nothing." Draco said quickly. "Alrighty then ya'll ready or are we just going to stand here?" Pansy said full of energy. I grabbed Pansy by the hand and said, "Let's go bud!" She looked at me with a smile and dragged me by my arm, pulling me out of the common room. I looked at Draco as she was pulling me out and smiled. He tried to hide it, but couldn't as he smiled back at me.

Once we made it to the Great Hall, Pansy ran to the table and dragged me with her. I kinda tripped which caused Blaize to laugh behind me. I looked back at him and gave him a playful glare. Once Pansy reached the table, she immediately sat down and pulled me down too. She finally let go of my hand and began to start grabbing breakfast. Draco, Blaize, and the others began to fill the seats around us. I pulled out a new book and started reading. After a few minutes, Draco cleared his throat and said, "That book any good?" I looked up, "Oh, um, I don't know I just started reading it." I said shyly. I swear I am so confused I don't know why I've been acting like a fool lately. I did it last night and earlier this morning. I mean this is Draco, just Draco, but for some reason I cannot stop acting nervous around him.' He nodded and we stared at each other for a couple seconds before I said, "Though I am enjoying it so far." I said shooting him a smile and he returned it.

It was weird, seeing draco smile. A smile suited him quite nicely actually. I didn't realize that I had kept staring at him and him me for almost a minute before Pansy and Blaize started laughing. It snapped me out of whatever faze I was in before. "What's so funny?" I asked noticing that they were staring at us. "Oh nothing." Blaize said slyly looking at Draco and me with a smirk. They continued laughing which made me turn red of embarrassment.  Draco looked at me and then said, "If you two don't stop laughing I'll put puking pastilles in your dinner." That shut them up, but not before they got one final laugh out. I went back to reading and looked up at every once in a while at Draco.


thank you so much for reading!! sorry if I messed up or if it wasn't good. lmk if you have any suggestions!!

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