chapter fifteen

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I looked all around the table. Pansy was looking at me in surprise,  Theo and Enzo were smirking, Blaise was too caught up in talking to a forth year to notice anything, Crabbe and Goyle were looking at me in disgust and Draco was. Well ordinarily I would expect Draco to look at me in disgust just like his goons, but he wasn't. He just looked sad and angry.

I just brushed it off and said, "Yeah I don't know, that's weird." And looked back down at my book. I knew that they didn't buy it, but I just wanted to stop talking about it. I tried to forget about it and just keep reading my book, but there was something about the way Draco looked at me that just didn't sit right with me. Then, it hit me. I probably just forgot to ask him how his arm was. He probably thought that I just didn't care which was not the truth. So I looked up from my book and looked at him. He was just eating his food sadly. "Hey Dray, um how's your arm?" I said with kind eyes so that he knew that I cared. 

"Dray?" Enzo asked. I didn't even realize that I had said that. I just brushed it off though and looked back at Draco waiting for an answer. He was blushing probably because I embarrassed him. "It's fine y/l/n." He answered coldly. I wasn't even gonna bother anymore he was obviously in a bad mood.

We finished up dinner and walked back to our dorms. Once we got to the common room I headed straight upstairs to Pansy and my's dorm. I got in and shortly after Pansy followed. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. After my shower I put on lotion and body oil. Then I did my skin care and brushed my hair. I changed into this:

I then walked out of the bathroom to see Pansy sitting on her bed

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I then walked out of the bathroom to see Pansy sitting on her bed. "Oh sorry Pans, were you waiting long?" I asked as I went to my bed. "No." She said coldly. I looked over at her surprised. "Alright Pans, whats wrong?" I said a little annoyed. "Oh I don't know... it's just, when were you planning on telling me about Diggory?" She sad with anger in her tone. I laughed and said,  "Um Pans there is nothing to tell you about." 

"Oh don't give me that y/n y/l/n. I saw the way you looked at him, plus you are not a good liar." I looked at her and said, "Ouch well thanks Pans." She scoffed, "That's not what I meant, it's just we used to tell each other everything." She really hit me with the guilt trip so I told her not that there was much to tell.

"Oh my God!! Cedric Diggory has a thing for you!" She said a little to loud. "What? No he does not, and shush Pans!" I said looking at her with wide eyes. "Oh yes he does and you do too!" Now she was just being crazy. "What Pansy? I just met the kid." I said. "Okay well maybe not a 'thing' , but you definitely have a little crush!" 

I looked at her like she was crazy and said, "Okay whatever Pans, I'm going to bed now." She kept blabbering on, until I said goodnight and turned off the light. 

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