chapter seven

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We headed down stairs to the boys room because they weren't in the common room when we went down stairs. Technically, we weren't allowed to go into the boys rooms but no one really cared, so we did. Once we got to the Draco and Blaise's dorm, I set the snacks that I was carrying down and knocked on the door. "Yes?" Blaise's voice called out in an annoyed voice. "Um Blaise, we are we gonna do this or what?" I asked confused. "Oh well I don't know Draco is taking twenty years to get ready so..." he said, "Wait why is he getting ready aren't we just going to eat unhealthy snacks and like talk?" I asked still pretty confused. "Yeah we were, but Draco really wants to impress y-" he was cut off by Draco, "Shut up Blaise! No I don't." He sounded all muffled do to the fact that the door was still shut. "Okay well um are you guys coming or like where do you wanna do this?" I said taping my foot getting a little impatient. "Yeah, yeah we're coming y/n, just give us like one more minute and I'll make everyone leave the common room." Draco said still annoyed at Blaise. "Oh and Parkinson I need to talk to you." He said worried. "Uh okay, I guess." Pansy said confused. "One sec y/n/n." She said as she walked into the boys dorm. "Okaayyy um well I'm gonna go grab a book." I said loud enough so they could hear not that it mattered it seemed pretty clear what was going on. They must just not like me anymore. But it's fine, really.

I went back up to my dorm and shut the door. I went and laid on my bed opening up the book that I had been reading all day. I wasn't planning on going back down stairs. They obviously didn't want me there and that's fine. I just don't want to inconvenience them.

I heard a knock on the door and then it peeped open, "y/n what are you doing up here? Draco just cleared out the common room." Pansy said. "Oh okay, I just figured ya'll wanted to do it without me, but I'll come down." I said shamefully and a little confused. "Why would you think that silly?" I shrugged I was quite confused, I thought that they didn't want me there but maybe I am just being over dramatic.

I went down with Pansy and we met up with the boys in the common room. We talked for a bit, well it was mostly Pansy and Blaise. I chimed in a couple times with little comments or laughs at something one of them said. Truly though I just read while I felt eyes on me. I don't understand why I feel like this maybe know one is staring at me I don't know. But I swear I feel like someone is and if I'm not mistaken I believe it's non other than, Draco.


Hii i hate this chapter lol im sorry if its bad lmk if there is anything ya'll want to see.

stuck with you- draco malfoy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now