chapter fourteen

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Cedric and I walked down to the Great Hall for dinner. Once we got there, we walked inside the Great Hall. Then, Cedric turned to face me and I looked up at his big doe eyes. This was the first time I was able to actually able to continue to look at him, without getting nervous and looking away. "Maybe I'll catch you around sometime?" He said to me with a smirky smile. "Maybe you will Diggory." I said as confident as I could, to hide the fact that he made me nervous. He smiled and walked away looking back as he did.

I then, composed myself and walked away from where we were standing. I walked over to the Slytherin table were all my friends were sitting. I was smiling and blushing at the floor, but once I got to the table I composed myself. I looked up and they were all staring at me. "What?" I asked confused hoping that they didn't see Diggory and I talking. I sat down in between Pansy and Enzo. Theo finally spoke up and said. "So.. what was all that about with you and the fifth year?" I looked down at my lap and immediately turned red. But, before I could say anything to compose myself draco spoke up and said, "The Hufflepuff fifth year." Correcting Theo. I looked up at him and was about to say something until Dumbledore started speaking. 

He made a small speech and the whole time I was thinking about how I was in the clear. That was until he finished the speech and the food was brought out. I grabbed some salad and opened up my book, but just as I got all situated, Enzo said, "Soooo... y/n are you going to answer us about Diggory or just continue to sit there reading?" I looked up at them worried. All eyes where on me and I was quite nervous, but I am a slytherin after all so i can lie. "What about him?" I asked hoping that they wouldn't think that we talked for long. "Well you didn't come down to hang out with us and next thing we know Draco is pointing out that there you are talking to Diggory." Pansy said. I looked over at her with wide eyes and kicked her leg causing her to yelp. "Um well I just bumped into him that was all." I said and looked back down at my lap. 

I truly, truly thought I was in the clear this time, until, "Then why is he staring at you?" Enzo asked. I looked up and over to the Hufflepuff table and sure enough there he was staring right at me. Once he saw that I saw him he smiled. Uncontrollably I smiled and blushed back. 'What was happening to me? Oh God and I bet they all saw that.' As my thoughts ran through my head my gaze slowly went off of Cedric to my friends. 


hope you enjoyed!! sorry if it wasn't good or if I messed up. lmk if you have any suggestions  or requests!

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