chapter seventeen

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I turned around to see Malfoy. "She does when she's stressed." I said with a slight laugh. He looked kinda messy which was unlike him. His hair was very messy and his shirt was half buttoned. He also looked like he just ran and had his hand behind his back. "What's with that look?" He asked me. I didn't realize that I was staring at him with a confused look on my face. "Oh, nothing sorry, you just look different that's all."  I said to him. He looked back at me confused, "How so?" he asked. "Well it's just you look like you just got done playing quiditch or something." I said with a small laugh. He pulled his hand out from behind his back and said, "Here." Then he re-adjusted his shirt and hair.

He started to walk away and then I said,  "I didn't say that it looked bad Malfoy." He stopped and turned around looking at me confused. "And thanks for my book." I said with a smile. He looked at me and smiled a small smile. Then, he caught himself and said, "Yeah, yeah whatever just I know how weird you are with books." I laughed and said, "Well thanks, it helped me out." He just nodded and turned back around. "See you at breakfast!" I yelled and smiled to myself. Who would've thought that Malfoy would actually do something nice?

I sat down on a bench and just watched the sun rise. I then realized, that I should probably get back inside. So, I got up and went inside.


sorry I know that this is a short chapter, but the next one won't be so yeah! I hope you guys enjoyed and thank you for reading. Sorry, if I messed up or if it wasn't good!

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