chapter eleven

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Soon, Harry came back down with Buckbeak and everyone cheered. Well everyone that is besides most of the slytherines. I clapped my hands slightly and smiled. Draco looked over at me and glared. I looked over at him and gave him a 'what?' look. He just looked back at Harry and started strutting towards him. He yelled about how easy it must have been and insulted the Hipogriff which Hagrid specifically told us not to do. 

Before anyone could do anything Buckbeak stood up on his back legs and hit Draco's arm. I flinched and said "Draco!" He fell to the ground and I was going to step forward but Pansy pulled my arm back and whispered to me, "No, y/n, he'll be okay. I don't want you getting hurt too!" Hagrid picked Draco up and started to take him to the clinic. I watched him walk away with worried eyes. "Pans." I started. "Yeah?" she asked. "Can we get out of here?" She looked at me with kind eyes and said, "Of course we can!"

We walked back to the common room and we were met with Lorenzo Berkshire and Theodore Nott. Both whom of which I had not yet talked to. Might I say that they looked really good and Pansy thought so too. She was drooling all over them. "Like what you see Pans?" I asked her smugly, she hit my arm. "Hey girls." Theo said. "Hey guys did you hear what happened to Draco?" I asked and they both shook there heads yes. We talked to them for an hour or so and then it was time for our other classes.

We went through the day and it was pretty boring just as I remembered it being. I kept on thinking about Draco just hoping he was okay. Even though he deserved it. We were finally done with classes and I decided I would go back to my dorm and change into some nicer clothes. Pansy came in while I was picking out my outfit and told me the Draco was in the common room showing off is broken arm. "What an attention seeking as-" I stopped myself as she laughed and said , "We are all going to hang out in the common room if you want to join us." She offered. I just nodded my head and she left. I wanted to join them but, I also knew I should probably just do my homework till dinner time. 


I hope you guys enjoyed and lmk if u have any suggestions. Sorry if it wasn't very good or if I messed up anything. Also I wanted to bring in some new characters so I hope you enjoyed that! Thanks for reading!

stuck with you- draco malfoy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now