chapter thirteen

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"Hi." He says kindly. I look at him confused but then say, "Hi." back shyly while I move the hair that is falling in front of my face behind my ear.  "Mind if I sit here?" He asks. "Sure." I say and move over to give him more than enough room. I looked back down at my book staring intently trying to avoid eye contact. 

I hear his friends in the distance laughing. Now I'm concerned he probably came over as a dare from his friends to talk to the lame third year Slytherin. He clears his throat and then says, "I'm Cedric Diggory." I look up to see his hand out waiting for a hand shake. I look at his hand to try to avoid eye contact. I shake it while saying, "I'm y/n y/l/n." He smiles as I acknowledge his presence. "I know." He says kindly. This causes me to finally look at his eyes to see if he is joking or not. I look at him surprised and confused. 

"Oh?" I ask while still looking into his eyes. He chuckles and nods. "So whats a girl like you doing out here alone?" I look back down at my lap and smile and say, "Well I'm not alone anymore, you're here." He chuckles once again probably because a Slytherin isn't usually this shy. He says, "Are you okay with me being here?" I look back up at him my hair now covering my face again. "If you a-" Before I could finish my sentence he moves my hair out of my face and tucks it behind my left ear. I blush and look down again. 

I am not sure why it was so hard to keep eye contact with this kid. I mean I just met him today. Yes, I have seen him around and I always found him quite attractive, but I never thought that I would actually talk to him. We continued talking, well mostly Cedric. I looked at him occasionally, but every time I did he smiled, which made me smile and look down once again.

It had been about an hour sense our first in counter and I still couldn't help but wonder why he was talking to me. I mean I'm only a third year and I'm a slytherin, which are notoriously known for being mean. But, he did he came over and we have been talking for a little over an hour. 

As my thoughts began consuming me I noticed some people start to get up and walk towards the great hall. His friends were long gone and it was just him and I outside. He noticed too and stood up. He said, "Mind if I walk you to dinner?" I looked up at him still surprised that he wanted to talk to me. "No not at all." I said with a smile, remembering my mothers constant nagging when I was little on how to teach me to be a proper lady. He lifted out his hand to help me up, not that I needed it, but i took it anyways. He was a perfect gentleman and something about that sent my stomach turning. But not in a 'I'm going to through-up' kinda way. It was nauseating, but nice.

stuck with you- draco malfoy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now