chapter one

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I open my eyes and try to forget that today was the day that I had to leave my cozy summer home to go to school. Though yes, school isn't the worst thing in the world it's always so hard for me to leave my beautiful home in Paris. I remember all the days that i would spend here in the summer and sometimes in the spring as a child. I've always adored France it's absolutely beautiful, and its where I want to live when I'm older. But for now, I just have to enjoy it while I'm here. 

I finally get up and go to the bathroom to draw myself a bath. I add in my favorite cherry blossom bubble bath and undress. Once the tub is full I sprinkle in some bath salt and grab a book off my nightstand. I get in the bath letting the bubbles cover me and read a little before I hear Lilia, my maid, knock on the door.

"yes?" I ask. "Ms.y/l/n, your mother called me to tell you to have a great first day and that she'll send you an owl in a couple days to check on you." she told me in her french accent. "oh also I brought you breakfast." She told me in a sing-song voice pulling a tray from behind her back. My eyes beamed as a saw a gold tray with a chocolate croissant, a mimosa, and some strawberries and raspberries in a little bowl, "You didn't have to do that Lilia I probably would have just grabbed a granola bar anyways." I told her honestly. "Nonsense!" she said, "A young lady like yourself should go off to school with a full stomach. I will also pack snacks for your trip, I'm thinking your favorite macrons and those little gummy slugs you like so much." I nodded with a smile, "Good! I'll set this outside on the terrace for you. Get out and come eat when your ready you only have a couple hours till you have to go to Hogwarts." She reminded me though I was trying to forget. I nodded again and said, "Thank you Lilia." She smiled and walked out before closing the bathroom door.

It's not that I didn't like Hogwarts, I did I just don't really like school in general. I would much rather do something much more useful with my time like paint, dance, or travel the world. But alas, I am a pure blood witch, so what am I suppose to do. I got out of my, now cold, bath and drained the water before I dried myself off with a towel. Then I put on a robe and wrapped my hair in a cloth t-shirt. I sighed as I wiped the mirror to clear the fog. Then, I began to put on my makeup. A natural wing, blush, and some mascara. Once I was down with that I unwrapped my hair from the t-shirt and dried it with a blow dryer sense I cant do spells outside of Hogwarts. I know it's not a big deal, but still. Then I added some curls to my hair and got dressed.

 Then I added some curls to my hair and got dressed

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Then I went outside on the terrace. I sat down and ate my food enjoying my last bit of freedom.


hiiii um i hope you enjoyed the first chapter. btw sorry if i messed anything up or if I was to descriptive. oh and for the outfits I'm just going based on what I like but feel free to imagine something different. Draco will be in the next chapter I just wanted to kinda open here. also i'm really basing like all of this based on what i would want my life to be like but yea that's all thank you for reading!!!

stuck with you- draco malfoy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now