chapter three

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I continued to read my book filling the pages with my thoughts of how the end would play out. I enjoyed reading novels about mystery. I love the idea of working hard to get to the next thing, then once you get to the next thing there is a never ending cycle until you reach the end and it is never what you expected it to be. That plot is followed in many good books. I decided when I was around the age of four that I wanted to start reading. My father took me to his study one day and handed me a book. He taught me how to read. After just seven months I had gone through over 87 books, but who's counting? I haven't kept track, though my mother says that it has to be over a thousand by now. 

As I was getting down to the last couple of chapters, fully invested to even notice anything. Blaise said something that distracted me, though I only picked up on the last bit of it, "at y/n." He ended I looked up and said, "Pardon?" Blaise was going to repeat himself once more before Draco said, "nothing." In an angry voice. I  wanted to know, but as I was about to speak again the train came to a stop and the windows went cold.

"What's happening?" Pansy said droopy as she woke up from her nap. I shrugged looking out the window trying to see if I could make out where we were. Just then a dark flash flew by our compartment. I heard the hinge on the door click and the door slide open. Then I saw something I had read about in one of the more boring books in my fathers study. I believe that they are called dementors. The word it self came from the Latin word "dēmens" which roughly translates to a word for insane. That they were, It was creepy to look at though I only got a quick look at it before it  closed the door after peering in. 

"That was the creepiest thing!" Pansy said in a squeaky voice. She was trying to break the silence that was instated due to the dementors visiting the train. "Yea, what was that thing?" Blaise asked. "I believe it is a dementor." I started, "They guard azkaban." I finished. "Have all the answers do you?" Draco chuckled. "well I don't know what they are doing on this train." I responded with a slight giggle. I then went back to reading my book in complete concentration. I did this for the rest of the train ride, I kept feeling eyes on me for the rest of the ride as well.


sorry if this was kinda short. I hope you enjoyed it though and by the way I swear that draco will be in it more I just have to kinda start it off like this soooo yea. Thank you so much for reading!

stuck with you- draco malfoy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now