chapter twenty-two

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I walked downstairs and heard Pansy talking. 'Shit of course my friends had to be down stairs.' I thought. Once I was in visible sight they all started watching me. Goyle and Crabbe had this surprised look on there face. Blaise stopped talking to whatever girls he was trying to score and looked at me. Then Lorenzo said, "Bloody," and Theo finished, "Hell." 

Then Draco, well Draco looked at me differently. I don't know how to describe it. It was just different. "Okay boys, stop drooling, and Theo, Enzo pick up your mouths from the floor." Pansy said laughing at them. Pansy then turned to me and said, "Okay if anything goes south leave and come back okay?" I shook my head. "And I will be waiting up for you so don't try to sneak back in after a bad decision."

"Pansy!" I said hitting her arm. "I'm just saying, it could happen, and if it does I want all the gory details." She said jokingly. I hit her in the arm again and laughed. I was embarrassed to say the least. Then a seventh year prefect came up to me and said, "Are you y/n y/l/n?" I smiled and said, "Yeah." He looked at me up and down and said, "How did Diggory get you?" Pansy laughed and then all the guys said, "DIGGORY?!?" I turned read and said, "We should get going right?" and started walking to the door. "Oh, yeah." 

"Have fun studying!" Draco said behind me annoyed. I walked out with the prefect, and there Cedric was, walking with his friend over to me. When he saw me he just kinda stopped. I don't know why people think I look good, I don't, I never do.

"That's her?" His friend asked in shock. "Mate, how did you?" Cedric stopped him, "I know she's gorgeous." Now I am not someone who falls head over heals or how just has crushes on guys, but I have never ever been called gorgeous by a guy before and it felt nice. "Hi." He said shyly. "Hi, Diggory." I said looking at him with a smile. "Thanks mate, I'll take it from here." He said to the slytherin prefect. "Yeah well, you owe me one Diggory." Cedric laughed, "Okay, put it on my tab." He said. "Ready?" He said looking at me. "Yeah sure." I said with a smile.

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