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hiiii qts whatttsss upppp

anyways I wanted to let y'all know a couple things.

so pansy will not be evil or like obsessed with draco bc that annoys me lol. Um also shes kinda like going to be the best gal pal ya dig. anyways so besides that i kinda like picking out outfits but if you don't like them that's alr just like imagine something else. I'm just going to go with what my style is like. also i may add characters that don't exists in the actual harry potter universe but just go with it lol. Also this character is going to be a pureblood and shes going to come from a wealthy family soooo yeaaa. um if you have any request let me know, but i will not do like that weird stuff if u know what i mean strictly pg 13. Anyways love you and thank you for reading!

stuck with you- draco malfoy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now