chapter ten

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We walked to our first class of the day, potions. When we got there, Pansy grabbed my hand and  yanked me into a seat next to her. We sat in the seats second to the  back of the classroom. Draco and Blaize sat behind us. Then as everyone was getting seated, Snape walked in. Once everyone was quite, which did not take long, Snape began. The class felt like it was never going to end. I sat there and paid attention for a while, but then I kinda zoned out. Before I knew it, it was the end of class, though I didn't realize it. Draco came over to me and said, "Boo!" I almost jumped out of my seat. "Oh my goodness, Draco! You scared me half to death." I told him slightly annoyed. He just chuckled and smirked, proud of himself. I gave him a glare which made him laugh even more. Then I gave, I let out a giggle and said, "Okay Malfoy you got me, can we go now?" I asked him. He calmed down and said, "Fine, I guess if we have to." Then, I dragged him out of Snape's class and we walked down to the woods for our next class, Care of Magical Creatures. 

When we got down there, everyone else had just got there right before we did. I went and walked over to Pansy while Draco walked over to his goons. Me and Pansy started talking about clothes that we wanted when we heard Draco say something. "Wait till my father hears that Dumbledore has this oaf teaching classes." Me and Pansy looked over at each other and intimated him saying things like 'claaaasssesss' and 'wait until my father hears about this.' While we did this I guess we missed out on some more fun because the next thing we knew Draco was shouting, "DEMENTOR! DEMENTOR!!" Everyone gasped and turned around to see nothing was there. Draco and his goons put on their hoods and went 'OOoOoo.' Then started laughing.

They are so stupid sometimes. Like it's not even that funny. Before anything else too crazy happened Hagrid walked to the front of where the class was standing. He brought with him a large bird looking thing. It was beautiful. Hagrid introduced him as a Hypogriff. Hagrid talked on about it and then asked anyone if they would like to try and ride him. Everyone took a step back, leaving Harry up front and center. Hagrid took this as a volunteer. Hagrid guided Harry as he tried to get the Hypogriff to except him. I hadn't realized it but I was staring in awe at Harry and the beautiful creature before my eyes.

I snapped out of it when Crabbe whispered, "See something you like y/l/n?" I looked at him with a curious face, "Wha-What?" I said confused he laughed with Goyle and I looked over at Draco to see him mad. I looked back over to Pansy and she shrugged. I just brushed it off, and continued to look at the Hypogriff. 

Turns out that because of Crab I missed a lot. Before I knew it, I saw Harry being plopped on top of the Hypogriff. He started protesting, but Hagrid got his way and the creatures legs lifted of the ground and began flying. I looked up following them with my eyes in complete awe.

It was quite beautiful and peaceful I almost completely tuned out any noise, and watched the delicate way his wings flapped up and down. While in a distance Harry's face turned from fright to blissfulness. I smiled lightly and soon they were out of sight.


hiii buds, thanks sm for reading sorry it took me so long I've just been busy with school and things like that. I hope you enjoyed, sorry if i messed up, and lmk if there is any suggestions!!

stuck with you- draco malfoy x readerWhere stories live. Discover now