chapter five

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As I finished up my book the first year got sorted into their houses. When I heard people clap from the Slytherin House I clapped along continuing to read my book. Then, Dumbledore started his speech. The same speech that he makes almost every year only altering a few things. I do not normally care for these speeches. That was until I heard him talk about dementors. I looked up from my reading to catch a staring Draco who immediately averted his eyes as soon as he saw me. I ignored it, again, and looked over to Dumbledore trying to listen to what caught my attention earlier. He said that we would play host to the dementors and to be careful. Note taken, I don't want to be near those things, they make me feel cold inside.

As I was about to get back to reading when I heard whispering about Harry Potter, and then I heard Draco start saying something, "Potter! Potter!" He started trying to get the attention of the famous Harry Potter. I had nothing against Harry Potter I actually thought that he was quite nice. But, I've never really talked to him before. "Is it true you fainted, I mean you actually fainted." One of his goons pretended to faint over dramatically. I rolled my eyes and went back to my book. "jerk." I whispered under my breath. Though I think I said that to loudly. Draco turned back around and looked at me. I didn't look up, but I knew he was. 

Soon after that the food was served, though I was to invested in my book to notice. Until Draco said, "I've never seen someone so concentrated that they didn't notice food in front of them." I looked up at him and chuckled nervously, "Oh!" I said in surprise. Yes, me and Draco were friends, but he has been doing a lot more staring then talking. I closed my book and said, "So he finally has a voice to go with the looks." As a grabbed some berries. He looked at me slightly embarrassed. "I'm kidding Malfoy." I quickly reassured him. "Oh well um" he said laughing nervously. "I just-um-you were just really concentrated and I thought it was weird that's all." He told me. Pansy and Blaise both gave him a look. "No need to explain yourself Malfoy. Oh and hi, I haven't said that to you yet." I told him. He looked at me and smirked, "Hi y/l/n." 


Hiiii buds I hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry if i messed up or if it was confusing. thanks for reading!

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